Examining ATI Wisdom Booklets – Booklet 3 Science The Elements of Our Body

Examining ATI Wisdom Booklets – Booklet 3 Science The Elements of Our Body August 22, 2016


  • First, the hormone also known as “growth hormone” is misspelled.  The correct spelling does not have an ‘h’.
  • Secondly, the authors skirted a raft of issues surrounding human growth hormone (HGH).  Some, like athletes doping using HGH, probably arose after publication.   Others, like the fact that HGH for human use hinges on using recombinant DNA placed in bacteria to make HGH, should have been on the editors’ radar if this was published after 1980.
  •  Third, some elements are much more important than others in terms of human medicine.  Some of the trace elements in the body are hard for people to get enough of while others have no known deficiencies. Case in point: most adult women will be tested for iron deficiency at least once during their reproductive years while no one will ever be tested for a copper deficiency

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