February 5, 2014

February means "Pagan Festival Season" at my house, but before the fun can begin there are notes to write and Power Point slides to finish up. It's both my favorite and least favorite time of year, but I love it regardless, and wouldn't have it any other way. Read more

February 4, 2014

"The Wizard and the Witch" is one of those books students of Pagan history and polyamory will be reading decades from now. It's the chronicle of two Pagan pioneers told honestly and with a great deal of humor. This was one of the rare books truly worth the wait. Read more

January 29, 2014

It's the end of "American Horror Story Coven," and I'm betting I liked it a lot less than most of you. Read more

January 28, 2014

I've always called myself a polytheist, but the label is no where near as important as my relationship with deity. Are the gods somehow all related? Does it matter? Why defining my own polytheism often leaves me with more questions than answers. Read more

January 22, 2014

Imbolc has never been my favorite holiday, but it’s always been an important mile-marker on the Wheel of the Year. It lacks the sexiness of Samhain or Beltane, but it offers a whole host of reasons for celebration and reflection. No matter your geographical and/or life circumstances Imbolc can still have meaning. Read more

January 21, 2014

Sometimes I look around the Pagan Blogosphere and simply shake my head, unsure of what to say. There are ways to argue and ways to disagree as an adult, curse words and personal insults are not among them. Read more

January 16, 2014

Like the rain, the Lady cleanses and renews us. Like the earth, the Lord purifies and prepares us for the Springtime yet to come. Gather the coven and celebrate, Imbolc is nearly upon us! Read more

January 14, 2014

Brighid is one of the most well known and adored goddesses in all of Modern Paganism. She was worshipped by the Celts in Ancient Ireland, and later transformed into a Christian Saint. Hail Brighid, unconquerable goddess! Read more

January 12, 2014

For those who host, or are thinking about hosting an event, ten essential tips that will have people wanting to come back to your house. Read more

January 10, 2014

Critics of Modern Paganism often accuse Pagans of living in a fantasy world or "playing Harry Potter." For me, Paganism does just the opposite; it brings me closer to reality and the world we live in. Read more

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