December 31, 2006

  Fr Tim Finegan links to a site that sells the Pope’s Cologne. I thought the Pope’s Cologne was one of B16’s German cathedral cities, but it seems a California perfumier has resurrected a formula for a papal perfume. This adds a whole new dimension to ‘smells and bells’. I wonder if there is a special way to apply the stuff. Ring a little bell, dip your finger in the cologne, then make the sign of the cross on each... Read more

December 30, 2006

  David Palmer’s British blood runs cold at the hanging of Saddam, and Evangelical Catholicism supports the Vatican’s line that the execution of Saddam Hussein accommplishes nothing. Jimmy Akin and Gerald Augustinus think justice has been done. What does his execution accomplish? Is this really justice or is it revenge? C.S.Lewis has a very interesting essay on the underlying reason for any form of criminal punishment. He argues that society has various reasons for punishing criminals. Revenge is one reason.... Read more

December 29, 2006

  Today we remember the martyr Thomas Becket. Once chancellor of England, he was murdered on this day in 1170 in Canterbury Cathedral by agents of King Henry II. A great way to remember him is to read or re-read T.S.Eliot’s 1953 verse drama Murder in the Cathedral. Eliot is probably the only modern playwright to attempt verse drama. The play is a great tale of the conflict of spiritual and temporal power as well as Becket’s personal road to... Read more

December 27, 2006

Amy Welborn has a great report from Christmas in Indonesia where the Muslims help to foil attacks on Christians by extremist Islamic groups by turning up in large numbers to the Christian services. Since moving to the USA I’ve heard a lot of anti-Islamic bigotry. Its understandable, and I can’t profess to having a love of Islam myself, but we have to remember that most Muslims are not radical murderers. How would we like it if people considered all Catholics... Read more

December 27, 2006

  An Amish elder was once visited by some city slickers who asked him why he didn’t have television. He stroked his beard, thought for a moment then asked them if they had seen anything on TV that week that they could recommend. There was an embarrassed silence. He’d made his point.David Palmer is a former Anglican priest who blogs from Britain. Check out his anthem for getting rid of your TV. I grew up without a television, and didn’t... Read more

December 24, 2006

I saw a stable low and very bare A little child in a manger The oxen knew him, had him in their care To men he was a stranger. The safety of the world was lying there And the world’s danger. — Mary Coleridge MAY YOU HAVE A HAPPY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS Read more

December 22, 2006

There are a lot of misconceptions about both Ecumenism and the Catholic Church. Many people equate ecumenism with the World Council of Churches…an organization that has sunk into near oblivion and bankruptcy. In this equation ecumenism is a kind of ecclesiastical United Nations; a talking shop where church leaders meet to work together for peace and justice. The WCC is thought of as a global Christian confederation, and those who see the WCC as the voice of ecumenism usually hold... Read more

December 22, 2006

  Last night we had a penitential service at St Mary’s. It was my first opportunity to hear confessions. What a beautiful sacrament this is! The church was full. Six priests heard confessions for nearly two hours. Young and old, male and female, people from every ethnic background, all came to open their hearts to God and receive the gift of forgiveness. Some Christians have problems with confession, “You don’t need to go to a priest. You can go straight... Read more

December 21, 2006

If you have been following the recent posts you will be interested in the best book on the subject of C.S.Lewis and the Catholic Church. Written by the excellent biographer Joseph Pearce, the book explores the great question, why Lewis never joined the Catholic Church. It delves into Lewis’ Ulster Protestant background, compares ‘Mere’ and ‘More’ Christianity and ends up looking at the state of Anglicanism today with the sobering soubriquet, ‘Mire Christianity.’ It’s a great book! Have a look!... Read more

December 20, 2006

Dear Professor Lewis, Over the years I have read your books with delight. I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude. Your mixture of wit, common sense and vast learning has instructed and inspired me, and the simple beauty of your vision and clarity of your writing has lifted me up and not a few times moistened my eyes. I read your letter to Mr Stebbins with some interest. I am myself a convert to the Catholic faith. I know... Read more

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