Introducing “PangeaCast” – a new missional/anabaptist podcast resource

Introducing “PangeaCast” – a new missional/anabaptist podcast resource May 15, 2014

I’ve pondered starting a podcast for years. Tried it once but didn’t have the time to really invest. Now that I’m leading a church community, it seems like the time has come.

PangeaCast is the digital voice of The Pangea Blog and Pangea Communities – a movement of peace, justice, and hope.

What makes this exciting is that those who subscribe (iTunes, Feedburner) will be able to follow our “church planting” journey up here in Seattle. For instance, you may hear the occasional dog barking or baby crying. We are still worshiping in my living room so there’s a whole dynamic there that you might glimpse in our audio sermons.

Sermons will be on the podcast each week. With that said, the goal is to incorporate several different resources for people in the areas of theological conversation, ministry discussions, and culture. I plan on reaching out to several Christian leaders to discuss ideas pertaining to our core values as a community. Along with interviewing people that you have probably heard of, I plan on occasionally bringing members of our church core team into the mix as well! What we are trying to do with this podcast is to create a holistic ministry and theology resource. I hope you’ll subscribe and spread the word!

As of right now, three sermons are available from this past month. The first of these was our Easter message, then a talk on Revelation, and then a talk looking at the theme of bread/Eucharist in Scriptures. As time progresses, more resources will be added–but for now–we will continue to update the sermons weekly.

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For discussion: What sorts of ideas/theology/etc. would you like us to cover on one of the episodes of the PangeaCast?

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