My Navratri Golu 2015

My Navratri Golu 2015 October 13, 2015

First of all I wanted to give a quick update about the health insurance. A friend of a friend got us in touch with an insurance broker and so she’ll be able to get us insurance starting in the new year (Jan 2016) and we’ll never have to deal with MD Health Connection again with any luck. The broker said she’s heard many, many horror stories and a lawyer friend said he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a class action lawsuit against them at some point. 

Okay, on to the fun stuff. I did a video of me unboxing my Marapachi dolls that I bought from  just last week. They arrived in time!

The video continues on to show my whole set up for my golu this year. I expanded it into a bigger space so there’s a lot of room to grow in the future.

I’m sorry to say that I continue to have a hard time remembering which direction to hold my camera so it’s mostly a very narrow view 🙁

In other life news, pregnancy is hard! I’m at seven and a half weeks now and I’m struggling with exhaustion, lack of motivation to do anything, and constant queasiness. My relationship with food has become quite frustrating, although I have not thrown up and I crave healthy things like fruit plus I find fried and greasy foods revolting. I haven’t cooked a single meal in about a month and my husband is doing an admirable job picking up the slack. I just can’t be upright or around food right now. It’s all perfectly normal but very challenging. I had no idea it would get this hard this fast but people tell me that I should feel a lot better at 12 weeks and get my energy back.


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