Got My Holi Afterall

Got My Holi Afterall May 3, 2016

Holi was very late for me this year, but I’m glad I didn’t miss out completely! As I mentioned before, my baby shower happened to be on the same day as the big Holi event in this area. It’s a little sad to me that you have to find an event and go to a location to participate in Holi. I do wish it was more all around and something you encounter as soon as you walk out of your house. But it is what it is and most years I make the trip to the ISKCON temple that puts on a great event.

This year I was disappointed not to go to that, but then my friend Anu did a Holi a few weeks later at her house with a bunch of her friends. We were late and most of the color was gone already, but it was really nice. And it was fun watching all the kids squirting water guns and throwing water balloons. We could definitely imagine our little boy taking part someday.

holi 2016

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