The Peak of Life

The Peak of Life August 29, 2016

Even though a big part of Hinduism is being present and enjoying what is in front of us right now, I struggle a lot not to stress about losing what I currently have.

Right now my life is perfection. I have a wonderful husband and a perfect baby. I own a home and write for a living. Everything that I longed for in my teens and twenties has come to me. And I realized that life is not quite like the role playing video game I had imagined. When you are young you plan for and think about what you want in your adult life. As a teenager you prep for it. As a young adult you strive and try. You work to achieve those things you planned. Everything is building up as you continually reach new heights towards what you want.

I for one never stopped to think about what happens when you get it.

Into this wonderful time comes the bittersweet knowledge that this might be the happiest I will ever be. These are the best times of my life, when my baby is still in my arms giving me hugs and smiles. I should just fully soak it in and enjoy it. Why do I stress about what life will be like twenty years from now? It’s crazy because no one knows what life will bring. I just notice the nostalgia and twinge of sadness in people whose children have grown up and left home. I must learn to not worry about feeling that maybe sometime in the future and enjoy all that I have now.

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