Round Up: My Mahashivratri and Two Other Blogs

Round Up: My Mahashivratri and Two Other Blogs March 3, 2017

So I made a little video, less than a minute long, documenting my Mahashivaratri last week. Here it is:


I am so happy to tell you all that my friend Jon, who has been a frequent commenter here at The White Hindu, has started his own blog about being a non-Indian Hindu. He is calling his The Invisible Hindu and I just love that name. Wish I had thought of it!

Here’s a little introduction from Jon himself…

“Hi, I am Jon a spiritually liberated westerner who can empathize with others who may wrestle with the idea of missing something in  their birth religion, or who may wish to better understand certain spiritual concepts which have been maligned by or misunderstood by western culture. Having embraced Sanata Dharma I have been filled with an irresistible urge to share its beauty with other spiritual seekers. I have had an interest in culture and religion since I was a youngster and am naive enough to think that maybe some day we can all accept and yes even love each other and embrace our differences instead of letting them be our divisive weakness. Please visit my blog at


My friend Padma, who also writes here at Patheos, had a great article the other day about Hindus wearing hijabs in solidarity with Muslims. I really appreciate her take on it.

Check that out here:

Hindus in Hijabs or Showing Solidarity in Saris?

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