Trump Is Not Your Friend

Trump Is Not Your Friend March 31, 2017

I am very frustrated by Hindus who support Trump.

I see many of them on Twitter. During the election I thought it was some kind of joke. But it’s all too real. Why are there pro Trump Hindus? Only because Trump claims to be anti Muslim. 

I say claims because it’s pretty clear he’ll do and say whatever gets him the most attention and ego boost. 

The Muslim ban isn’t about preventing terrorism. If it was he would ban immigration from Saudi Arabia. Where many of the 9-11 terrorists came from. Instead he had a nice meeting with the crown prince who called him “a friend to Muslims.”

How can anyone seriously believe that a sensitive crybaby like Trump can stand up to ISIS? The man is obsessed with the Saturday Night Live show teasing him.  If he can’t handle that how can he handle ISIS?

Supposedly he has a 30 day secret plan to defeat ISIS. It’s been well over 30 days and all he’s done is try to keep out refugee escaping ISIS while also not banning anyone from countries where terrorists who attacked the US actually came from. 

trump meme

Hindus are dying because Trump fans the flames of white supremacy. He is the candidate endorsed by the KKK. Hate crimes are on the rise and many of the perpetrators  admit to being emboldened by Trump. 

Trump does not care about us. He can be shown to be lying more frequently than any other politician. He says whatever will get him attention. He couldn’t tell the difference between a Hindu and a Muslim even if you gave him a cheat sheet. 

The Secretary of Education that Trump assigned wants to make the Christian God mandatory in public schools. 

Trump is eliminating the environmental protections we have in place because he cares about big business and not about honoring and protecting Mother Earth. 

If you support this man based only on his claim of being anti Muslim you are being dangerously short-sighted and also duped. His business dealings in the Middle East mean he will never be the man to take down Islamic extremism. 


By the way, I am very relieved that the replacement idea for health care did not pass this week. My husband’s company is small enough that they are not required to offer health insurance to their employees. We both have pre-existing conditions. This means that without the Affordable Care Act, I don’t know where our health care would come from.

What the Affordable Care Act did well was mandate that everyone had to have insurance. That way the people who are currently healthier and not seeing a doctor as often keep the premiums lower for people who need to see a doctor more often. And some people say that they are healthy and they shouldn’t be paying for people who are unhealthy.

But the truth is that if you don’t make health insurance affordable for everyone, you as a tax payer pay a lot more for uninsured people getting treated at emergency rooms. The ACA is not perfect, but we need to work on making it better, not gut it. And it seems that most people agree! I can’t tell you how much of a weight this lifts for me as I’ve been very afraid of not being able to get health insurance.

So in a world where every day brings new disasters, here at last is one good thing!

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