October 2, 2013

Our kids talked all over each other, so we decided some parental rules on conversation had to be applied. Read more

September 25, 2013

What does it look like to be faithful when you also have an addiction to academic prestige and achievement? Or even more, to parent faithfully? Read more

September 18, 2013

I worried about sending my 17 year old daughter to Spain for the summer. . .and she did fine. Read more

September 9, 2013

I did NYC with my 13 year old son, getting the biggest bang for my buck. Here's how I did it. Read more

September 4, 2013

Asked not to breastfeed in public, this mom argues back Read more

July 24, 2013

As the oldest sibling, I never realized how much privilege I enjoyed and how much power I wielded, or what a jerk I could be as a result. Read more

July 23, 2013

I had been composing a blog in my mind while pruning the branches of my weeping cherry tree, a blog about white privilege  and all the cross-cutural training I’ve received through the years from Universities, scripture, the organization I work with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship or being willing to engage in difficult conversations about ethnicity with friends who look different than me. It was a blog that was going to explore the privileges I have simply because I’m white- even something simple... Read more

July 17, 2013

I can understand Paula Deen using the "N" word as a product of her culture, that still doesn't make it right. Read more

July 1, 2013

I'm panicking because I gave my daughter responsibility to manage her own study abroad experience. What a mistake! Read more

June 26, 2013

A kid almost drowned in my pool last week--reinforcing my passion that we must teach our kids to swim Read more

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