August 13, 2014

Coat_of_arms_Holy_See.svg It’s been a long time since I titled a post with that starts with the word “because.” But given what is happening on the world stage these days, especially across that swath of territory in the Middle East, where an ersatz caliphate is trying to establish itself, the fact that the Catholic Church has a diplomatic corps sets her apart. (more…)

January 4, 2014

Originally, this post was published in mid-January, 2012. A few days later, the thoughts I read by John Courtney Murray, SJ, inspired me to draft the little petition that, with the help of 29,000+ folks, got the White House’s attention when they determined that the HSS Mandate was, for the Church, a “fait accompli.”

Given Justice Sotomayor’s decision to block the Administration’s HHS Mandate toward’s The Little Sisters of the Poor, I’ve decided to dust this off and republish it. (more…)

December 30, 2013

He knows if you’ve been bad, or good. So be good for goodness sake.

Because he’s in orbit, see? (more…)

November 9, 2013

Great Battle in Heaven, by Daniel Mitsui.

And there was made a great battle in heaven, Michael and his Angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his Angels: and they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And that great dragon was cast forth, the old serpent, which is called the Devil and Satan, which seduceth the whole world: and he was cast into the earth, and his Angels were thrown down with him. —Revelation 12:7-9 (more…)

October 19, 2013

Didn’t know I could do that, did you?

First it was phone calls, then it was letters and interviews. And now il Papa just might e-mail you like he did Menachem Rosensaft. (more…)

August 27, 2013

Gonzaga University

Before I wade in too deep here, just know that I am a product of a state college, not a Catholic one. All the same, there are Catholic professors in state supported schools, and in non-Catholic private colleges as well, whom I believe our culture could benefit from if they spoke up like Dr. David DeWolf did recently. (more…)

August 26, 2013

The Smiths, disenchanted.

The other day I lamented losing an hour to reading Joseph Bottum’s personal essay about his ideas on how the Church should handle the Same Sex Marriage situation.

I would trade that experience in a heartbeat in order to get back the 8 minutes I lost in seeing the depths our culture has sunk to as Miley Cyrus performed at Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards. (more…)

July 30, 2013

It’s been a long time since I shared thoughts here from my faithful departed friend named John C.H. Wu.

I won’t bore you to death with the details of his life, as I’ve already done that in numerous posts before. Remember when he likened Saint Thérèse of Lisieux as having the mind of Lao Tzu, with the heart of Confucius? He’s written some amazing stuff. (more…)

July 10, 2013

Left Coast Bound!

And it’s an honest to goodness vacation, too. Not two weeks off to power out a book (me? write a book? LOL!). Not two weeks off for a silent retreat (I kinda just had one, as my wife and kids left two weeks ahead of me). Not two weeks off to figure out how to save ‘Murika from the forces of eevil. (more…)

May 26, 2013

…with a little help from a few other sources.

Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. I have no doubt that my friend Wu Li, SJ was exposed to the Athanasian Creed. Why? Because Wu could not have written the orthodox poems below without having believed in the Mystery of the Triune God. Wu wasn’t just parroting something he had heard from his Jesuit catechists either, you see. It is obvious that he pondered this mystery in his heart.

Like all great poets, Wu parsed the words of the creed and reduced them down in a manner that leaves us better able to have faith in the mystery of God in three Persons.  (more…)

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