June 1, 2020

We all have the ability to tap into our intuition, higher self, and guides. Take a few deep breathes, put your hand on your heart and then look at the cards and choose 1 card that you are most drawn to for a message from your guides. . . Which card do you choose? . . If you chose #1 you chose OWL/WISDOM – If Owl has arrived in your reading, it symbolizes the wisdom that you have which spans your earthly years. Those you... Read more

May 18, 2020

I looked over at my unruly garden and sighed. Every autumn I think I have enough time to do a good clean up before Ole Man Winter. I didn’t do too bad by cutting down my perennials and clipping my roses, but I didn’t plow my garden down to the dirt, nor did I cover it with weed protector. April showers brought May weeds and an ailing husband; my typically strong one who could take the shovel and dig out... Read more

May 11, 2020

One year ago today my baby boy (and only son) was married. That day was a blur of emotion, but I remember sitting down after the guests had left and feeling the energy of love lingering. The room had been filled with different personalities, different families, different beliefs, and past arguments that evaporated, if only for that one night, all because the strongest feeling in the world – love, has that magical power. Nothing else mattered that day but the... Read more

May 9, 2020

My mom and I had a difficult relationship. We loved one another dearly, but I often felt that I was in the way. You see, I was an oops/miracle/mistake baby. My siblings were older and could take care of themselves, and then I came along. I tried my best to keep out of the way as my mom was ill with many ailments, a manic depressant, and eventually lost her sight. I helped as much as I could by keeping... Read more

April 20, 2020

Oracle cards or Tarot cards are an excellent way to listen to your guides and your higher self, and sort through the confusion. We are bombarded by real life that we forget to take a minute to tune in. Tarot can help reassure. They can help renew  and they can help remind you of your inner strength. Choose a card from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake that speaks to you. The backs are all the same, but by using your... Read more

April 11, 2020

I never remember saying I wanted to be a mommy, yet I knew I wanted to have children. Nobody is prepared (are they?) to become a parent, and I think back to the time of holding my firstborn in my arms and what a child I was myself at 23 years old. Even though I had babysat, it was no replacement for what to do and what not to do under certain circumstances. There is no manual and every child... Read more

April 7, 2020

April 7th at 10:36 pm Eastern we welcome in the pink FULL MOON in the astrological sign of Libra. Since Libra’s goal is all about finding balance in your life, this moon makes for a bit of tipsy turvy dynamic. What does the Libra energy teach us (and yes, it has an impact on every astrological sign, not just the Libra): Look at your sense of life balance. What is making you feel ‘off’? How much of it can you... Read more

April 6, 2020

This morning I had an interesting dream that I wanted to share. My husband (Chuck) and I walked into some sort of office. An older lady that reminded me of Sylvia Brown, raspy voice and all, grabs our hands and tells us that we need healing and to sit down. It wasn’t why we were wherever we were, so Chuck and I were skeptical, but we sat down on a large dark brown leather couch. The lady took our hands... Read more

April 4, 2020

April is a peculiar month, with some days warm like spring, and other days cool like autumn – the sun shines warm and the wind blows cold. The shades of winter begin to fade and the colors of spring begin to bloom. It’s too soon to put away the sweaters, and too soon to bring out the tanks and shorts. While the weather in April is so often confused, the energy that circles around us can be the same. Oracle... Read more

March 25, 2020

I typically wake up hearing the bus tires speeding down our gravel road. Minutes later my alarm will ring the formal wake up alert. But the last week the buses are garaged, and my alarm clock turned to silent. Today, the first official stay home order in effect, I awoke to birds happily chirping. I laid in bed and listened. I didn’t hear any cars on the road. No planes flying in the air. Normally there’s a distant whistle of... Read more

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