May 27, 2024

  Today is my birthday. As a religion scholar, I’ve long been fascinated by the rituals of specific holidays, and I’ve written several posts about how Americans observe a range of religious and secular feast days: Lent, Chrismukkah, snow days. Today, as I begin a new revolution around the sun, I’d like to discuss the holiday of the birthday.   Birthdays and their associated rituals intrigue me because the truth is that I’m something of a birthday grinch. I was... Read more

May 23, 2024

The posts I am offering right now don’t exactly constitute “autobiography,” but think of them rather as auto-archaeology. As I have remarked, anyone looking at the quite numerous books I have published through the years might be truly puzzled without understanding the various phases of my career. I have written about the Christian History Sequence for which I am best known these days, but there was also a whole previous phase in which I studied Social Problems – if you... Read more

May 22, 2024

(This month, I am taking a short break from my megachurch visits series.) Over at CT, global managing editor Morgan Lee has a new article with a curious problematic. It’s not Israel or Palestine or the 2024 election; no, it’s “Taylor Swift,” whom Lee laments, “can do whatever she wants.” Lee’s coverage of Swift’s latest, “The Tortured Poets Department” (TTPD), focuses attention on the singer’s (purportedly) lackluster songwriting therein. TTPD’s shortcomings don’t simply reflect a slump; in Lee’s take, they... Read more

May 21, 2024

Throughout my systematic theology class this semester, I ushered students into the painful process of learning theological terms. Like any discipline, theology has specific language (mostly Greek or Latin phrases, because we are pompous like that) which are used to describe certain ideas—once you learn the terms, you can understand the ideas espoused. So, for example, my students learn that the term aseity is derived from Latin phrase, a se which means “from itself”. This term is then employed to... Read more

May 17, 2024

One afternoon in early November 1519, a Mexica youth named Mitzli, son of a skilled jewel worker, was walking along one of the footpaths in Mexico-Tenochtitlan, capital of the Mexica people. Nearing the southern causeway to Ixtapalapa, that is, a raised road built into Lake Texcoco to provide access to the mainland, he noticed a commotion. Moctezuma, the Tlatoani (Great Speaker) of the Mexica people was standing near a newcomer, whom he would later learn was Hernando Cortés; both leaders... Read more

May 16, 2024

I have been writing about my writing, or rather about the topics on which I have researched and published through the centuries. Today’s topic, the Satanism Scare. In the 1980s, the issue of child sexual abuse attracted enormous public attention, and themes of trauma and recovery generated a whole publishing industry. One of the most popular and influential recovery texts, The Courage to Heal (1988) includes the story of a woman who claimed that she had as a child been... Read more

May 15, 2024

“If you converse with these missionaries of Christian civilization, you will be surprised to…meet a politician where you expected to find a priest.” In the almost 200 years since Alexis de Tocqueville wrote those words, evangelicals have often found themselves playing the role of politician instead of priest. And along the way, there have been others who question this role reversal. After all, Jeremiah 29 does not seem to leave room for those attempting to become kings. Evangelical historians over... Read more

May 14, 2024

Christian leaders and institutions must come to the defense of those targeted by white Christian nationalists. About a month ago, there was this whole embrolio surrounding pastor Josh Howerton of Lakepoint Church in Rockwall, Texas, after Sheila Gregoire posted a clip on X from a recent sermon of his, where he offered a rather problematic Wedding night scenario as a sermon illustration, which Howerton later defended as a “joke”. Beth Moore wrote an insightful thread in response to these events,... Read more

May 13, 2024

Save the Humanities at Valparaiso University Valparaiso University, where I teach, has been doing some belt-tightening recently. Sadly, some departments–theology, philosophy, German- that have defined this Lutheran University for decades have been put in a “discontinuous process.” This does not necessarily mean that they will be discontinued, but all affected departments must make the case for their ongoing existence and/or seek mergers with other departments. Guiding by departmental memos, the administration will make decisions over the summer. For those of... Read more

May 11, 2024

When I was a college sophomore, in the spring of 1995, a wave of student-led events swept across campuses nationwide. Classes were disrupted as fervent gatherings swelled from dozens to hundreds of students and faculty. Songs, speeches, and emotional outpourings lasted through the night. Participants decried failings, individual and corporate, calling for change. The demonstrations spread to more than 100 colleges and attracted national media attention. It was called a revival. As commentators have sought to understand the current wave... Read more

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