January 9, 2023

For the past 10 years, I’ve led workshops on embodied spirituality and contemplative practice. And during that time, I’ve played around a ton with how to begin our group gatherings: goofy icebreakers, one-to-one conversation starters, quiet meditation, written intention setting… All types of things. Some don’t feel right (goofy icebreakers) and some consistently feel a bit forced (one-to-ones). But there’s one practice I stumbled into a few years ago that I now come back to again and again – if... Read more

January 7, 2023

Today is your last chance to get Unmasking the Inner Critic on sale! Brian McLaren calls Unmasking the Inner Critic: Lessons for Living an Unconstricted Life “a beautiful and accessible guidebook to help you do the inner work central to the act of being human.” Here are the New Year sale details: eBook: $0.99 through TODAY, January 7th Paperback: $8 + shipping (normally $18.95 + shipping on Amazon) In order to get this price, check out the link at the bottom of this... Read more

January 6, 2023

Fun fact: I spend a lot of time with consistent low-level anger. It usually has one of two targets: myself, which is always pretty fun to deal with, or institutions, which typically comes across as critique and a desire to change everything. This anger is, at times, extremely beneficial. But at other times, not so much. In figuring out what to do with it and how to direct it, I’ve developed a list of questions I come back to again... Read more

January 5, 2023

One of my favorite wisdom teachings: “We respond to a deeply interdependent and responsive universe through shared experiences. This means that despite signs of postmodern fragmentation and the rise of radical individualism, we cannot carve out shared destinies in isolation. We are born not only into a wondrous and mysterious life space but also into communities of interpersonal reliance.” – Barbara Holmes Some things this brings up in me: Our understanding and experience of life is deeply influenced by and... Read more

January 4, 2023

Happy Wednesday, everyone! This is a bit of a promotional post because my book, Unmasking the Inner Critic: Lessons for Living an Unconstricted Life, is currently on sale through Amazon! New Year Book Sale eBook: $0.99 through January 7th Paperback: $8 + shipping, (normally $18.95 + shipping on Amazon) In order to get this price, please see the details at the bottom of this post.   About Unmasking the Inner Critic “In Unmasking the Inner Critic, Andrew Lang has created a... Read more

January 3, 2023

Our schools, our companies, and our faith institutions teach us to run on autopilot. I think this is why so many of us are stretching, pushing, and trying to expand ourselves beyond the containers built for us. There’s a desire to do more with our one wild and precious life. There’s a desire to do more than just grind through the expected steps of: learn X, regurgitate X, complete the task, cite our sources, and repeat. Endlessly repeat. And I... Read more

January 2, 2023

Engaging an embodied spirituality isn’t about following rules or doctrines. It’s about learning to fully experience and root ourselves in the inherent dignity of the world. To see the deep interconnectedness of life and to experience ourselves within it, not separate from it; to engage this interconnectedness (and the ways we attempt to ignore and separate ourselves from it) with our bodies and emotions, not just our intellects; to learn to trust our instincts and our body’s experiences of the... Read more

January 1, 2023

Here’s a dance of terror that’s been happening within me the past couple years. In 2018, a person close to me questioned whether or not I would be a good father. Wrapped in her own reasoning, mostly centered on the reality that we just didn’t like the same things and the wounding of her own life and experience of fatherhood, her wound was projected onto me. This isn’t particularly unique; untended wounds are projected all the time. But this one... Read more

December 27, 2022

For me, 2022 will always be the year I stepped into the act of creating. And for someone who grew up not believing they were creative, this has been a huge deal. (Perhaps you connect with this!) Even more, it has been life-changing to find that my words and my presence are supportive for others and where they are in their lives. There has been nothing more powerful for me than the moments in which I have been able to... Read more

December 21, 2022

In order to create beautiful and vulnerable small group space, a healthy container first has to be co-constructed. This container might be created by and filled with life-long friends, trusted family members, or complete strangers. It might have a formal leader or be more egalitarian with shared facilitation. It might have rigid structures or flexible guidelines. But in order for folks to settle in, for their nervous systems to regulate, for their fight/flight/freeze mechanism to calm, there needs to be... Read more

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