October 6, 2018

Lexham Press, a publishing arm of the considerable Evangelical operation under the banner of Logos/Faithlife is doing some important republishing. And from my point of view, one of the most important reprints is Richard Watson’s classic Theological Institutes. It has been sometimes wrongly suggested that Wesleyan theology was akin to lay theology or folk theology, but not serious ‘systematic’ theology. Anyone who has actually read any considerable amount of Watson’s Institutes will know that that criticism is just nonsense. And... Read more

October 5, 2018

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October 4, 2018

podcast 237 – Levine and Witherington on Luke – Part 2 Read more

October 3, 2018

In contrast to the endless recycling of oldie goldies by Three Dog Night etc. Paul McCartney is an example of the opposite end of the spectrum— endless creativity and new songs. This is truly remarkable for someone who could easily rest on his laurels…and what a large bed of laurels he has to rest on since the early 1960s. But no….. Sir Paul must Ram On. Now it has to be admitted that Paul’s voice isn’t all it used to... Read more

October 2, 2018

A-J Levine and I have done something that is unprecedented and unique— a commentary on a Christian Gospel by a Jew and a Christian together. Now we offer two podcasts on the commentary. See what you think…. Read more

October 1, 2018

Went to see what’s left of 3 Dog Night at the beautiful EKU Centre for the Performing Arts… The venue by itself is worth seeing. What’s left of 3 Dog Night is Danny Hutton, because Cory died in 2015, and Chuck Negron after becoming clean and sober in the late 80s or early 90s did not rejoin the band. The band does still include a couple of the original band members who were not any of the original 3 lead... Read more

September 30, 2018

Einstein was certainly very quotable. We’ve already mentioned his ‘God doesn’t play dice’ And some of the anecdotes about his exchanges are worth repeating, like the story of when Einstein and Chaim Weizmann (later to be President of Israel) were on the boat to NY from Europe, and Weizmann was asked ‘do you understand Einstein’s theory of relativity?’ to which Weizmann replied “Every day on the boat Albert has been explaining the theory to me and I am now completely... Read more

September 29, 2018

This is now the third gargantuan and well researched biographies I’ve read over this summer written by Walter Isaacson. This one clocks in, counting notes etc. at 700 pages, and involves a ton of explanation of relativity theory, E=MC squared etc. It is not for the scientifically challenged, even as clearly as Walter writes. This biopic doesn’t have the flair or eloquence of the Ben Franklin one, nor the imaginative description of artistic technique as the Da Vinci biopic, but... Read more

September 28, 2018

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/opinion/christianity-bible-journalism.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage Marshall Allen is an interesting guy. Once a missionary in Africa, and a graduate of Fuller Seminary, he then became a journalist. In the article that you find the link to above, he explains how investigative journalism is not only consistent with his Christian faith, in fact there are many shared values, including honesty and the pursuit of facts and the truth about them. See what you think…… BW3 Read more

September 27, 2018

It has been said that revenge is a soup best served cold. Ah, but is there a difference between justice and revenge? It is also said that justice deferred is justice denied. But justice did not come for Adolph Eichmann for almost two decades after WWII ended in Germany. I was ten years old when the trial of Eichmann took place in Jerusalem, and no, I did not watch the trial, nor do I think did my father, who helped... Read more

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