There is new horrifying news about Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American pastor who is currently wrongfully imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith.
The ACLJ reports:
Yesterday in Iran, Iranian intelligence officers summoned Pastor Saeed for an intense round of interrogation. Pastor Saeed reported to his family that the interrogators were abusive both verbally and physically. During the course of interrogation, the officers repeatedly used a taser gun on Pastor Saeed. This new assault is concerning as Pastor Saeed is still being denied needed medical care for injuries sustained as a result of beatings in the past.
The interrogators threatened that Pastor Saeed will face new criminal charges. They claimed Pastor Saeed has connections with anti-government groups and has made statements and taken actions against the government of Iran. Pastor Saeed denied all of these allegations, and once again asserted that he is apolitical and that he has never threatened the security of, made any statements against, or taken any action against the Government of Iran.
Pastor Saeed has been in prison for over three years! He has repeatedly faced beatings, interrogations and false accusations. But in the face of such evil, he has remained faithful to Christ and has continued to praise the Lord, even from his prison cell!
Please join me in praying for the immediate release of Pastor Saeed!
After President Obama completely left Pastor Saeed and the three other Americans wrongfully imprisoned in Iran out of his Iranian Deal, it is going to take a miracle for him to be released to his family.
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