Wow! This is so powerful. Independence Journal Review reports on the coolest guy ever. After the Parkland shooting, everyone has been talking about gun control measures… the students who are liberal have gotten a ton of media — several of them were even on the cover of Time magazine. (The students who are conservative, of course, don’t ever get media attention.) Plus, things have changed. Dick’s Sporting Goods store developed more restrictive sales policies. And there’s this:
Many have called for certain guns to be completely banned, and one village in Illinois even banned all semi-automatic guns, including pistols, shotguns, and anything with a magazine larger than 10 rounds. Deerfield Village also will be punishing citizens who do not turn in their newly banned weapons with fines up to $1,000 per day.
That’s why I loved to see this guy in Greensboro, North Carolina. His name is Mark Robinson who stood up in the middle of a public forum and absolutely spoke some truth. He said:
“I’ve heard a whole lot of people in here talking tonight about this group and that group and domestic violence and blacks and these minorities and that minority.
What I want to know is: When are you all gonna start standing up for the majority? And here’s who the majority is. I’m the majority!
I’m a law-abiding citizen who’s never shot anybody.
It seems like every time we have one of these shootings, nobody wants to put the blame where it goes, which is at the shooter’s feet. You want to put it at my feet! It doesn’t make any sense.
The law-abiding citizens of this community and many communities around this country, we’re the first ones taxed and the last ones considered and the first ones punished when things like this happen.”
What a powerful testimony… and I’m sure there are a lot of American cheering him on!
Watch it below:
Image Credit: Screen shot of Fox interview
Hat Tip: Independence Journal Review