August 2, 2014

John Boehner’s new and incredibly stupid talking point is that all this talk of impeachment is coming from Democrats. Bryan Fischer proves him wrong by not only calling for Obama’s impeachment but arguing that the Democrats have goaded Boehner into not impeaching him. Oh, and it’s the end of America if we don’t.


July 9, 2014

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who show a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of displaying their own worst traits. And I’ve got a real doozy from Ben Carson, during an interview he did with Joseph Farah of the Worldnetdaily. Let’s start with this statement:


July 2, 2014

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who show a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their political opponents of their own worst sins and ignoring their own contradictions. John Yoo is practically the living embodiment of the award and he displays it while declaring that the Hobby Lobby case demonstrates Obama’s “fundamental abuse of executive power.”


June 24, 2014

Last week’s Road to Majority conference put on by Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition must have destroyed every irony meter within a thousand-mile radius. Gary Bauer actually gave a talk in which he claimed that President Obama is “obsessed” with gay issues — at a conference full of people who spend nearly all their time and energy to prevent equality and demonize gay people. Bryan Fischer would be so proud.


June 23, 2014

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness and if I ever create a hall of fame for those who display that trait, Herman Cain would be a first ballot inductee. Get a load of this, but turn off your irony meters first:


June 1, 2014

Bryan Fischer on a recent show claimed that the kind of slavery practiced in America was a capital crime under the Old Testament law. In order to make that case he has to tell the lie that nearly all people like him tell, pretending that the rules for Hebrew servants in Exodus applied to all slaves. Here’s the video:


May 20, 2014

This is a guest post by attorney Barry Klatzkin about Bryan Fischer’s ignorant bleatings about how the judiciary operates in America. Like most conservatives, he completely misunderstands the constitutional role of judges while pretending to love the Constitution.


May 14, 2014

Bryan Fischer thinks he has disproved evolution. And it might be true for certain values of “disproved,” but he seems to have no idea what that word means. It’s disproved, he says, because the Bible would be wrong if it were true. Wow, such a compelling argument.


May 8, 2014

Bryan Fischer took a call from a dolt who thought King George was Catholic (Bzzt. Retake history) and that Obama is a “Muslim double agent” and he claimed to have talked to “insiders in D.C.” who told him that “everyone” in Washington knows that Obama is secretly a Muslim. I’m guessing he is referring to the voices in his head.


April 10, 2014

The Bryan Fischer award is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of displaying their own worst traits. It could just as easily be called the Bill O’Reilly Award given his penchant for psychological projection. Take a look at this statement from a recent show:


April 7, 2014

The Bryan Fischer award is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of their own worst sins. I’m pretty sure Matt Barber has won this one before but he deserves it again for this column explaining why he calls gay rights activists “homofascists.”


March 21, 2014

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of their own worst deeds. Since this is an almost ubiquitous behavior from the Christian right, it isn’t hard to find examples. Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center displays it in his response to Bill Maher saying that the God of the Bible is a “psychotic mass murderer.”


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