Le Petit Prince

Le Petit Prince April 22, 2015

(Jonathan Ryan posting for Jen Schlameuss-Perry)

I saw today that one of my favorite books, The Little Prince, is going to be an animated movie. I tend to stay cautiously optimistic (which a co-worker pointed out to me today is just a form a of pessimism…) about things I might be enticed to be excited about, but it looks gorgeous!! I really like the way they are framing the story in the life of a child who is being driven by her mom into a premature adulthood. The little girl befriends an old man who, it seems from the trailer, teaching her to be a child.

The Little Prince is one of those books that is so beautifully imaginative and thought-provoking and formative—every child should have it read to them. And then, every child should read it again when they are big—because there are two stories in there—one for kids and one for adults. And they are brilliantly woven into the same sentences. Everyone should hear them from both sides; partly because reading it as an adult reminds you to read it as a child. Can you tell that I like this book? Besides wine and cheese, this is one of my favorite things to come out of France.

Please take a look at this lovely trailer:

The Little Prince – International Trailer 2 by Orangefr

This book always reminds me of how we’re told that we are always supposed to be children of God and not lose our childlike qualities in our relationship with God.  I act like an enormous child most of the time, but not necessarily in a way that incorporates that trust, wonder and openess of heart that are ideal. So, as I sit here and sip a little Grey Goose (Oh! Another favorite from France!) and reflect on the potential of this movie, I know darn well that I’m going to read Saint-Exupery’s masterpiece again. It’s a short, sweet book…I hope some of the readers here will pick it up again (or for the first time), too!


Jen Schlameuss-Perry is a massive fan of sci-fi, cartoons and superheroes and loves to write about them in light of her Catholic tradition. She currently works for a Catholic Church and practices martial arts, cares for her family and pets and writes in her spare time. Check out some of Jen’s other stuff on her Facebook page or her website at catholicinklins.com.

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