Alex Jones Loses Lawsuits Against 10 Sandy Hook Victims’ Families

Alex Jones Loses Lawsuits Against 10 Sandy Hook Victims’ Families November 16, 2021

If you need any more evidence that spreading misinformation can be costly, you need look no further than Alex Jones.

Yes, I’m talking about that Alex Jones. You know, the one who is known for spreading conspiracy theories without any supporting evidence (Pizzagate, anyone?) and who dressed up as a “gay frog” on his show.

Jones 'comes out' as a gay frog
Jones ‘comes out’ as a gay frog on his show.

Well, he just lost yet another defamation suit, and this one was brought by eight families of “Sandy Hook” shooting victims after Jones called the victims crisis actors.

The recent ruling from Connecticut brings the tally to 10 victims’ families who have won lawsuits against Jones. He hasn’t won any cases on this issue.

The recent ruling was one based on default in court proceedings, according to the New York Times.

The judge ruled on Monday that because Mr. Jones had refused to turn over documents ordered by the courts, including financial records, he was liable by default. The decision, combined with previous rulings in Texas in late September, means Mr. Jones has lost all the defamation lawsuits filed against him by the families of 10 victims.

Lawyers for Mr. Jones said he would appeal.

The lawsuits stem from comments Jones made about the children being “crisis actors,” as well as the threats against their lives that came from those false claims.

Now that the liability issue has been resolved, the courts will decide how much Jones must pay the families for his false claims about them.

To read my research on Jones, conspiracy theories, and pseudoscience more generally, feel free to check out No Sacred Cows: Investigating Myths, Cults, and the Supernatural ( or The Curious Person’s Guide to Fighting Fake News (

Thank you all!

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