October 14, 2015

A theme central to much of the work I do on my blog and with my writing clients (and to the novel I recently finished writing) is how essential it is for anyone seeking for themselves a better psychological life to properly and thoroughly analyze and assess their childhood relationship with their parents, especially if, as adults, they are perpetually or even periodically hounded by the internal supposition that there is something critically wrong or aberrant about them. Yikers. I wasn’t sure I was... Read more

September 25, 2015

Sometimes your brain tells you that you received an apology, while your heart tells you something else. Here's why. Read more

September 18, 2015

"The truth wasn't hard to find anyway. It was there every time I looked into my grandson's eyes." Read more

September 4, 2015

The fact that you're worrying about whether you're good proves that you're good. Read more

August 20, 2015

"My dream job is to be a sex therapist, but I feel like this focus on sex makes me a bad Christian." Read more

August 17, 2015

  Dear John, Over the past couple of years, I often wondered if my son was gay. But usually I was able to explain it away or otherwise put it out of my mind. This past February, however, there simply was no denying it any longer, and I confronted him about it. (more…) Read more

August 7, 2015

Never yell at your employees. Here's why. Read more

August 6, 2015

I mean, c'mon already. Read more

July 30, 2015

I get a lot of letters from men worried that they’re blowing their relationship with the woman they passionately love. Here are five things they're doing wrong. Read more

July 20, 2015

Lately I've grown pretty darn tubby, to the extent that I feel as if a whole other person—like, say, an eight-month-old baby—is strapped to my stomach, a baby which, like any baby, has a whole arena of needs and desires of its own. Read more

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