Medea: Her Story, Themes, Correspondences, Rituals, Spells and More

Medea: Her Story, Themes, Correspondences, Rituals, Spells and More June 19, 2018

Medea is the eternal witch. Her archetype is one of the woman feared by men so much that they transformed her into a creature to be vilified. This is not the truth of Medea. As Hekate has risen, so has this eternal witch-daughter of hers. She meets us at the crossroads where she tells us the truth of her story. She tells us that time’s up for all those who have robbed us of our power, and forced their pain upon us. Medea is a powerful ally, a witch ancestor who guides her descendants along their earthly journey. Not for the timid or weak, Medea’s medicine is strong and fierce.


NOTE: My writing and teaching focuses upon Hekate and Her Four Sovereign Goddesses: Artemis, Medea, Persephone and Circe. I employ their archetypes of wild, wounded, warrior, witch and wise one. Read more here.

Our ways were not welcome by those who feared our power. In their hands we suffered greatly. Through their words, we were reviled. It is now time for you to remember the truth and cast aside their lies.

We are rising.

            The men created their own gods, forever reminding Mother that she, too, must bear her burdens. These gods, made in the image of men, feared Mother. They sought to rob us of our rightful inheritance, that of the green world. Through their so-called civilization they defiled the natural ways.

But you already know this.

from Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Path of Plant Spirit Magick by Cyndi Brannen (coming in Autumn 2020)

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About Cyndi Brannen
Cyndi Brannen is a witch and spiritual teacher living the coastal life in rural Nova Scotia. She is a trained energetic healer, psychic and herbalist. Merging together her training in shamanism, Tarot, past life work, meditation and psychology, she teaches and writes about better living through witchcraft. She founded Open Circle Wellness about a decade ago which now offers online courses, including, The Sacred Seven: A Course in Applied Modern Witchcraft (currently available at She has written the forthcoming Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft. She is currently writing two books, one on The Sacred Seven and the second in her Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft series, this one about Under World energy, which includes Medea. Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft: The First Key is a year-and-a-day course that will start November 1. You can read more about the author here.

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