Diving Into The Unseen River: Ways To Deepen Your Connection To Hekate And Strengthen Your Witchcraft

Diving Into The Unseen River: Ways To Deepen Your Connection To Hekate And Strengthen Your Witchcraft January 28, 2020

Witchcraft is a river where the true medicine of Hekate abides. Under this is a deeper river that is Hekate herself. She is the river and the unseen river, and both flow within the veins of all of us called to the teachings of the Witch Mother, whose gifts are of magick, medicine and mystery. Dive into this river through these practices to deepen your connection to Hekate and strengthen your witchcraft.

We are called back to the crossroads where we stand on the bank of this river. It is the road that is a river, and a river which is a road. We see this river-road with our third eye. We know it in our souls. It is the looping road-river that always leads us back to our spiritual home. Our souls long to dive deep into this river, but our shadows may tell us that the water is too deep. It is not. The Witch Mother’s magick and medicine flows through us. We are strong swimmers.

Learning To Swim In The Sacred River Of The Goddess

While we may be infused with the wisdom on how to navigate this unseen river, learning ways to navigate is most beneficial. Venturing into the deeper self and the world of spirits requires bravery, practice and trust.

One of the most common questions that I’m asked is about how to go deeper into a relationship with Hekate. While spending time in deep connection through meditation, trance and other forms of ecstatic witchcraft are all ways to achieve this, there are practices that don’t require such intense work. Few of us have time to dedicate hours each day to practicing spiritual witchcraft. There are ways to dive deep without abandoning your responsibilities.

These practice are based on my own learnings and the lessons that emerge from the data I’ve collected from my students and readers who share their experiences with me. 

Listen and pay attention: Hekate is already sending you signs.

Time and time again, I’ve seen in my own life and that of other witches, the ways in which we ignore the messages and meanings we are already receiving because we are so wrapped up in trying to get Hekate’s attention. At times, this means standing at the shores of the unseen river to observe what is already happening. At others, we’re already in deep but must tread water so that in our stillness we can allow her medicine to be digested.

Swimming aimlessly isn’t going to get us anywhere. Those signs of hers are our waymarkers, guiding us deeper and further into her magick and medicine. These signs are her medicine, they are the signs we follow to deepen our connection to her and strengthen our witchcraft.

The signs Hekate sends often (but not always) are symbols of her sacred talismans including fire, keys and wheels. She also sends animal messengers and members of her horde as our allies and guides. They will come to you during meditation, trance and in the dream world. You may find them in unexpected places. Unusual occurrences are another sign.

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Stay true. Rise strong. Keep your own keys.

Deep Blessings,


About Cyndi Brannen
Cyndi Brannen, PhD, teaches and writes from the crossroads of personal development, spirituality and true magic. Founder of the Keeping Her Keys system of spiritual witchcraft, she shares the keys of The Sacred Seven laws using practical methods ranging from journaling to journeying. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to our modern understanding through magic and personal development. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch, based on the sacred seven principles of witchcraft, is a practical guide to better living through witchcraft. Read Dr. Brannen's journey from shattered to whole, and the courses she offers at keepingherkeys.com. You can read more about the author here.

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