Entering Hekate’s Cauldron

Entering Hekate’s Cauldron December 13, 2018

In the innermost chamber of Hekate’s Cave waits the cauldron of rebirth. The moon rises and sets in it, and it is guarded by her powerful companions. The Mother and her allies beckon us forward to take their healing medicine so that we can be reborn. While this is an immensely personal journey, I’ve provided a ritual for you to follow, adapt as you feel led or do as is.

Hekate and Her Cauldron of Rebirth

Hekate has always been associated with the life cycle. She is known as The Great Mother from her earliest days, and her role as divine midwife is recounted in many tales. Our Dark Mother offers the dark, wet womb of her cave for those seeking transformation. Goddess of the moon that rises and sets within her cave. The Sacred Witch Mother of the eternal sorceresses who await us around the cauldron, and ruler of her horde that stand guard.

This is a ritual of dismemberment and death leading to a powerful rebirth. It is through the intentional disembodiment of our present “shell” that we can find the means to release our truth. A powerful journey, for sure. Hekate has long been associated with both destruction and healing. She is the three-formed goddess of the crossroads, guiding our way with her torches, and protector against deleterious forces. Hekate is the Dark Mother of the Underworld, opening her cave as a haven from whence we can reclaim our power and explore the mysteries of her witches.

Hekate’s ancient cult held rituals in caves sacred to her. The cave has been associated with her, and her witches, for thousands of years. The ancients believed that the moon rose and set from such a cave. Her ancient witches cast their spells in caves sacred to her.

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About Cyndi
Cyndi Brannen is a witch and spiritual teacher, a trained energetic healer, psychic and herbalist. Merging together her training in shamanism, Tarot, past life work, meditation and psychology, she teaches and writes about better living through witchcraft. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to modern understanding through magic and personal development is available now for pre-order from Moon Books. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch uses the magic of the elements and the three realms to activate your true witch powers and will be available later in 2019 from Moon as well. Connect with her on Facebook or at keepingherkeys.com to learn more about her teaching and writing. Cyndi lives in rural coastal Nova Scotia with her two sons where she can often be found wandering the cliffs or wild foraging plants. She lives what she teaches: fierce love, emotional courage and true magic. You can read more about the author here.

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