September 12, 2015

The wife part I'm pretty good at, but the mother role … that's were I really shine. What will I do when the kids leave? Read more

August 27, 2015

So, I’m in the Dr’s office yesterday and there’s an office assistant there who had no idea who I was [or who I think I am] and probably never heard of my music until yesterday. Here's what happened. Read more

August 17, 2015

If we serve an excellent God, we should do excellent work. Period. Read more

August 10, 2015

My mind again has to be “Father, if this is your will, it will happen and it will be what YOU want it to be. You’re flying this plane now”. Read more

July 28, 2015

It’s probably a good idea to not repeat the mistakes of those who crucified our Christ. Read more

July 21, 2015

Let’s rewrite the script. Let’s change the ending of the movie we’ve seen too many times. Let’s help the talented ones, the simple ones, the everyday ones, live to see another day. Read more

July 11, 2015

I remember it like it was yesterday… I was dancing on the floor with a really cute girl named Melani, hoping my dance moves were good enough to get her phone number and ask her to be my girlfriend. Read more

June 29, 2015

Sometimes, I can be a whining, complaining wimp. Here's what changed my heart. Read more

June 18, 2015

God flips the script in a way that can help us in our over time-nail biting moments. Read more

June 10, 2015

There’s a reason why the word "no" exists. Read more

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