Quoting Quiverfull: All Non-Christian Protesters ‘Bull-Dykes’?

Quoting Quiverfull: All Non-Christian Protesters ‘Bull-Dykes’? February 5, 2017

quotingquiverfullby Tim Bayly from Bayly Blog – Polluting Our National Mall: The Tragedy of the Commons

Editor’s notes: Typical Evangelical Christian nastiness towards those who disagree with them? Check. Nasty names to dehumanize people different than them? Check. Claiming the authority of men over women? Check. Love of Christ for others? Completely missing. Can someone tell me why anyone goes to this guy’s church and takes anything he says seriously?

A pair of bull-dykes protested our pro-life march at the county courthouse last Sunday afternoon and it was exceedingly hard even to look at them. The stomach churned,Β the face blushed, and eyes were averted as the crowd of fathers, mothers, children, and babes-in-armsΒ walked by these women spewingΒ blasphemies and obscenities.

This is our reaction to the bimbos, dykes, and hussies who marched in pink last week and shrieked on cue for their media pimps. We avoid the news. We turn away from the ugly. We cover our ears. To say these females are shameful doesn’t begin to…

touch it. They trample the commons and no one tells them to shut their mouths and go home. This is a classic case of the tragedy of the commons.

So what should the nation’s men do? Or rather, how should Christian men respond?

Thinking about it, at first I fellΒ into my old habit of wishing Christian women would rebuke them…

If there’s public dirty work to be done today, women can get away with it a lot easier than men can.

To fail to rebuke shameless hussies is sin. To abandon our nation’s commons to the tragedy of feminist and lesbian pollutionΒ is male abdication and all abdication is wicked because God is the One Who ordained all authority. Refusing to use the authority He ordained and delegatedΒ to us is high rebellion against Him.

QUOTING QUIVERFULL is a regular feature of NLQ – we present the actual words of noted Quiverfull leaders, cultural enforcers and those that seek to keep women submitted to men and ask our readers: What do you think? Agree? Disagree? This is the place to state your opinion. Please, let’s keep it respectful – but at the same time, we encourage readers to examine the ideas of Quiverfull and Spiritual Abuse honestly and thoughtfully.

moreRead more by Tim Bayly:

Christianity Ended Effeminate Men

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