Quoting Quiverfull: Lori Alexander Judges Others Homes?

Quoting Quiverfull: Lori Alexander Judges Others Homes? August 26, 2017

Lori Alexanders Brainby Lori Alexander from The Transformed Wife – Does Your Home Look Loved?

Editor’s note: Do you remember last week when I said Lori had been saying ugly things about people who do not keep their homes absolutely perfect inside and out? Lori elaborates and tries to make what she said about unkempt houses about sinful people. It just simply does not work that way. There is a lot unquoted here that is sickening.

This is rich and funny that this popped up today. I am now in the beachfront area of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. I’ve been looking at houses for us, from the expensive, to the average to some real dumps. Many times the ones that fit Lori’s description of β€˜not in good shape’ had a story attached to them, from elderly owners unable to do the upkeep physically and in poor health. Or families on the verge of bankruptcy that cannot afford to do the needed things, one example was a house where when the owner died someone broke in and took all the kitchen appliances. In not one case was the cause β€˜Sin’ or drugs, or any of the other petty and inane things suggested by Ms. Alexander.

We’re getting the home of the elderly sick people and I know I’m going to have to do a hard scrub and some upgrades to make it mine, but it has a kitchen that would definitely make Lori envious with the new top of the line appliances and granite everywhere. It’s more than I ever dreamed of when we started this journey. The bottom line is do not judge on things like homes and their conditions, you truly never know what someone else is struggling with that affects the looks of the house.

I cannot tell you how disgusted and sick these words of Lori Alexander make me, every single time you think she cannot possibly go any lower she clears that bar again.


There’s an old home we walk past every day. It is not in good shape. The yard isn’t either and the whole placed appears completely unloved. A few weeks ago, there were a lot of trucks in the driveway. After a week or so, it was empty and I told Ken I thought that they had probably been evicted from the way they left it.

One day, we walked by and the garage door was left open so while Ken went to close it, I peered into the windows. There was no carpet on the cement floor in the living room and it was dirty and ugly. We finally met the man who owned this home and he said his mother used to live there but it was a rental now and the renters had destroyed it. He said there was an inch of mold in the refrigerator, they stole some of the carpet, and left the home a wreck. He told us that they were drug and alcohol addicts. Sin and Satan does this. They make things ugly and ruined.

God makes things beautiful and orderly. He makes us into new creatures and clothes us with white robes of righteousness. It’s our responsibility, women, to make our homes places of beauty and order. We are called to be β€œindustrious in our homes.” If we work hard in our homes, as we are called to do, we will have clean and tidy homes. Yes, children will mess it up but for the most part, it will be a place of beauty and order no matter how little money we have. I have been in large, expensive homes that were filthy so money isn’t the issue.

QUOTING QUIVERFULL is a regular feature of NLQ – we present the actual words of noted Quiverfull leaders, cultural enforcers and those that seek to keep women submitted to men and ask our readers: What do you think? Agree? Disagree? This is the place to state your opinion. Please, let’s keep it respectful – but at the same time, we encourage readers to examine the ideas of Quiverfull and Spiritual Abuse honestly and thoughtfully.

moreRead more by Lori Alexander

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