January 10, 2021

Dishonest: Trump-loving megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress makes the dishonest claim that the terrorists that stormed the U.S. Capitol were not Christians, instead arguing that the terrorists were actually “a part of the kingdom of Satan.”

Speaking on Fox News, the dishonest pastor declared:

We’ve got to acknowledge that what happened Wednesday at the Capitol was not only a crime, it was a sin against God. The people who stormed that Capitol, the people who killed that police officer, were not a part of the kingdom of God, as some people claimed; they were a part of the kingdom of Satan.

Jeffress is wrong. The terrorists that stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed coup attempt were for the most part Christians. In fact, many of the Trump-loving domestic terrorists who stormed the U.S. Capitol yesterday were White Christian Nationalists, waving Christian flags, holding signs praising Jesus, and saying prayers after they broke into the building.

Indeed the Christian flag, and Christian symbolism, were prominent fixtures among the terrorists storming the Capitol building. Religion Unplugged reports:

The insurrectionist mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday carried an array of flags and signs that indicate that not only are they Republicans, but also that they are Christians.

As the mob swarmed the Capitol steps, climbed the inaugural scaffolding and even scaled the building like it was a gym climbing wall, the now commonplace red, white and blue “Trump 2020” and “Make America Great Again” flags flew alongside flags and banners with a range of Christian symbols. A giant wooden cross was installed across from the Capitol building as well.

Writing for Religion Dispatches, Chrissy Stroop notes:

… these pro-Trump terrorists carried not only American, Confederate, and Trump flags, but also explicitly Christian symbols along with signs and flags bearing anti-choice, QAnon, and right-wing Christian slogans like “The Children Cry Out for Justice” and the not-so-apolitical after all “Jesus 2020,” …

Jeffrey Goldberg writing for The Atlantic, reports on his experience at the Trump rally held before the assault on the U.S. Capitol:

The conflation of Trump and Jesus was a common theme at the rally. “Give it up if you believe in Jesus!” a man yelled near me. People cheered. “Give it up if you believe in Donald Trump!” Louder cheers.

In short. many of the Trump-loving domestic terrorists who stormed the U.S. Capitol were committed Christians.

As for Jeffress, an obviously ignorant and small-minded man, he is no stranger to controversy. Previously he made the ridiculous claim that only those who’ve “sold their soul to the devil” will vote for Joe Biden.

While campaigning for Trump this “good Christian” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

And in the past Jeffress made the ridiculous claim that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God’s rainbow means “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

Bottom line: Trump-loving megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress makes the deeply dishonest claim that the terrorists that stormed the U.S. Capitol were not Christians, instead arguing that the terrorists were actually “a part of the kingdom of Satan.”

Robert Jeffress: Terrorists Storming U.S. Capitol Were Satanists, Not Christians (Image via Screen Grab)
Robert Jeffress: Terrorists Storming U.S. Capitol Were Satanists, Not Christians (Image via Screen Grab)
September 26, 2020

American Taliban: Fox News contributor Pastor Robert Jeffress uses the Bible to justify the claim that police “are ministers of God sent to punish evildoers.”

Jeffress, appearing on Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs Tonight, used the Bible to defend the police, at one point declaring:

Law enforcement officers are ministers of God sent to punish evildoers, and to resist law enforcement is to resist God himself.

On the program Dobbs asked:

The First Unitarian Church in Louisville giving sanctuary to rioters and looters because it’s exempt from the citywide curfew. Dozens of rioters taunted the police from the church’s courtyard last night because they were given sanctuary. After what was a two hour standoff, police officers let them go home without fear of arrest. Joining us tonight, Pastor Robert Jeffress from the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Fox Business contributor, great American. And, Pastor, sanctuary in Louisville. Your — your reaction.

Jeffress replied:

Well, Lou, first of all, the idea of sanctuary by a church is a complete myth. Churches don’t have that ability to do that, to harbor criminals. Law enforcement, if they wanted to, could go in any place and take a criminal. But what this church is doing is wrong, and, Lou, the reason they’re doing it is because they don’t believe the Bible. The Unitarians threw out the Bible years ago. But if they did believe the Bible, they would know that Romans 13 says “law enforcement officers are ministers of God sent to punish evildoers and to resist law enforcement is to resist God himself.” No, I’m not talking about condoning police malpractice, but those cases are few and far between. Most police are doing the right thing and the Bible says to resist them is to resist God himself. And I’ll tell you, at our church here in downtown Dallas, our city’s out of control trying to defund the police, we’re handing out yard signs to our members that says “defend, don’t defund, the police.” Because we know we’re on the right side of God and His word when we stand up for law enforcement officers.

Watch the exchange below –

Jeffress, an obviously ignorant and small-minded man, is no stranger to controversy. Last month he made the ridiculous claim that only those who’ve “sold their soul to the devil” will vote for Joe Biden.

Previously this “good Christian” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

And in the past Jeffress made the ridiculous claim that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God’s rainbow means “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

Bottom line: Pastor Robert Jeffress uses the Bible to justify the claim that police “are ministers of God sent to punish evildoers and to resist law enforcement is to resist God himself.”

Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘To Resist Law Enforcement Is To Resist God’ (Image via YouTube)
Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘To Resist Law Enforcement Is To Resist God’ (Image via YouTube)


August 5, 2020

You Guys Are Getting Paid? Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress claims that only those who’ve “sold their soul to the devil” will vote for Joe Biden.

Christian Post reports:

Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas, staunch support of President Donald Trump, said on Friday that only evangelicals who have “sold their soul to the devil” will vote for presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden in November.

Speaking to Lou Dobbs on Fox Business, the 64-year-old megachurch pastor and frequent Fox News contributor was asked what he thought of the Biden campaign’s attempt to appeal to voters of faith in the final days of the election. 

Speaking with Fox News host Lou Dobbs, Jeffress declared:

There’s not a snowball’s chance … of Joe Biden gaining any significant evangelical vote at all.

The only evangelicals who are going to vote for Joe Biden are those who have sold their soul to the devil and accepted the Democrats’ barbaric position on abortion. I mean, it’s so barbaric, Joe Biden believes in unrestricted abortion. He can’t even get his own church, the Catholic Church, to stomach it. They have denied him communion because of that.

Watch the interview below –

During the interview Jeffress also tried to explain Trump’s low poll numbers by suggesting Trump voters are being dishonest with pollsters because they don’t want to be identified as racist:

We know there is a whole group of evangelicals that didn’t tell pollsters they were going to vote for [Trump] in 2016. They didn’t want to be badgered or bullied. That’s even more so this time.

People are being told that if [they] support President Trump, [they] are a racist. Nobody wants to be called that. So, they are not going to admit they are voting for President Trump on Nov. 3.

For the record, if you vote for Trump, you are a racist.

Jeffress, an obviously ignorant and small-minded man, is no stranger to controversy. Previously this “good Christian” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

Bottom line: Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress claims that those “who are going to vote for Joe Biden are those who have sold their soul to the devil.”

Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress: Biden Voters ‘Sold Their Soul To The Devil’ (Image via Screen Grab)
Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress: Biden Voters ‘Sold Their Soul To The Devil’ (Image via Screen Grab)
September 27, 2019

Willful ignorance: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims “there is no such thing as a separation of church and state in the Constitution.”

Appearing in front of the National Quartet Convention, a gospel music gathering in Tennessee held earlier this week, Pastor Jeffress responded to a question concerning the separation of church and state. Jeffress said in part:

There is no such thing as a separation of church and state in the Constitution…

We have allowed the secularists, the atheists, the humanists to hijack our Constitution and pervert it into something our forefathers never intended.

Jeffress continued his ignorant rant by defending President Trump, and declaring “Thank God we have a president like Donald J. Trump who understands that (there is no such thing as a separation of church and state in the Constitution)”:

And I’m gonna say this. I’m gonna say this, and it may cost me some book sales, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Thank God we have a president like Donald J. Trump who understands that. I don’t like seeing my friend under attack like he is under right now, but I don’t like the prospect of what’s going to happen in America if we allow the left to seize control of this country again.

And I believe one of the great ironies of history is gonna be this: When the historians look back, they are gonna say with great surprise, that it was a secular, billionaire real estate tycoon from New York City who became the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty, and pro-Israel president in history.

In a superficial, and shallow sense, Jeffress is correct – the words “separation of church and state” are not found in the U.S. Constitution. However, Jeffress is being disingenuous and dishonest when he says “there is no such thing as a separation of church and state in the Constitution.”

In fact, there is no question that the sentiment and meaning behind the phrase “separation of church and state” is contained within the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…

The actual phrase “separation of church and state” is derived from a letter written by President Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to Baptists from Danbury, Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper soon thereafter. The following is an excerpt from Jefferson’s famous Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association:

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

In the letter, Jefferson makes clear that the separation of church and state is contained within the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Yet despite the irrefutable historical and constitutional evidence, Christian extremists like Jeffress continue to deny the separation of church and state.

Jeffress, an obviously ignorant and small-minded man, is no stranger to controversy. Last month this “good Christian” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

And earlier this month Jeffress made the ridiculous claim that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God’s rainbow means “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

The stupid, it burns.

Bottom line: Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress claims “there is no such thing as a separation of church and state in the Constitution.”

Robert Jeffress: ‘There’s No Such Thing As Separation Of Church And State’
Robert Jeffress: ‘There’s No Such Thing As Separation Of Church And State’
September 24, 2019

Because God’s Rainbow: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God promised “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

Jeffress, appearing on Todd Starnes’ radio program earlier this week, discussed climate change activist Greta Thunberg’s appearance at the United Nations. 

In that discussion Jeffress tried to use the Bible to prove that climate change is an “imaginary crisis.”

The following is a transcript of those remarks:

The only thing more fun than listening to him [Trump] is listening to the liberals whine that he had the audacity to skip the climate summit. I tell people all the time, ‘This president is brilliant.’

He decides to skip attending a session on an imaginary crisis—climate change—and instead he chooses to lead his own conference on a very real problem, global persecution.

God said he created the environment to serve us, not for us to serve the environment. This Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old, she was warning today about the mass extinction of humanity.

Somebody needs to read poor Greta Genesis chapter 9 and tell her the next time she worries about global warming, just look at a rainbow; that’s God’s promise that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.

Starnes, a conservative Christian and Fox News radio host, agreed with Jeffress that climate change is imaginary, claiming that “this whole global warming, tree-hugging fiasco” is pointless because “there is nothing to it. They may as well hold a commission hearing on the Tooth Fairy or Bigfoot.”

For a conservative Christian to mock “the Tooth Fairy or Bigfoot” while believing in imaginary nonsense like the virgin birth, the resurrection, and heaven and hell, is peak irony.

As for Jeffress, last month this “good Christian man” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

Bottom line: Pastor Robert Jeffress claims that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God’s rainbow is a promise “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

(H/T Right Wing Watch)

Pastor Robert Jeffress: God’s Rainbow Means Climate Change Is ‘Imaginary Crisis’ (Image via Screen Grab)
Pastor Robert Jeffress: God’s Rainbow Means Climate Change Is ‘Imaginary Crisis’ (Image via Screen Grab)


August 22, 2019

Anti-Semitism for Jesus and the GOP: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, warns Jews that they and their children will be cursed by God if they vote for Democrats.

Jeffress made his over-the-top anti-Semitic remarks while making an appearance on Todd Starnes’ Fox News radio show. The two conservative Christians were trying to justify Trump’s recent claims that Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal, and criticizing Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders for declaring:

I am a proud Jewish person, and I have no concerns about voting Democratic. And in fact, I intend to vote for a Jewish man to become the next president of the United States.

Jeffress told Starnes:

And the question he (Trump) is raising about how can American Jews support Democrats who support people like [Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib], despicable representatives of our country who are antisemitic to the core, how can Jewish Americans support that? 

Jeffress continued:

It makes no sense for those Jewish Americans not to support a president and a party that stands for Israel like Donald J. Trump does…

Jeffress added:

… I mean it’s obvious Bernie Sanders is completely illiterate when it comes to what the Old Testament teaches about Israel. 

Jeffress concluded:

You know, God said to Abraham in Genesis 12, “I will bless those who bless you and your descendants and I will curse those who curse you and your descendants.”

In other words, Pastor Jeffress is claiming that God will curse Jews and their descendants if they vote for Democrats.

Previously, Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, and Trump’s “spiritual mentor,” claimed:

God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jon-Un.

More recently, Jeffress claimed that teaching children evolution causes mass shootings

Bottom line: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims that God will curse Jews and their descendants if they vote for Democrats. 

Trump’s Pastor Robert Jeffress: God Will Curse Jews Who Vote For Democrats (Image via Screen Grab)
Trump’s Pastor Robert Jeffress: God Will Curse Jews Who Vote For Democrats (Image via Screen Grab)


October 10, 2016

For Pat Robertson, bragging about sexual assault is no big deal.

Christian Broadcasting Network founder and leading televangelist Pat Robertson defended Donald Trump’s comments bragging about his sexual assault of women in a lewd video released on Friday.

Robertson dismissed Trump’s confession that he sexually assaulted women and could get away with it because he is a rich celebrity as Trump “trying to look like he’s macho.”

Appearing on his 700 Club television program Monday, Robertson said:

A guy does something 11 years ago, it was a conversation in Hollywood where he’s trying to look like he’s macho. And 11 years after that they surface it from The Washington Post or whatever, bring it out within 30 days or so of the election and this is supposed to be the death blow and everybody writes him off…

Robertson, apparently unfazed by the bombshell video containing Trump’s confession that he sexually assaulted women, simply excuses the matter as “macho’ talk.

Robertson went on to praise Trump’s performance in Sunday night’s debate, arguing that Trump was like the mythical Phoenix because he had performed well:

He’s like the Phoenix. They think he’s dead, he’s come back. And he came back strong. So, he won that debate.

Robertson’s faith in Trump, like his faith in Jesus, is misguided and ignorant. Trump’s ship is quickly sinking after being caught on tape bragging about how he can sexually assault women and get away with it because he is “a star.”

However, while the GOP presidential nominee is losing support from many prominent Republicans, many leading conservative Christians like Robertson continue to support a candidate who brags about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it.

Christian hate group leader Tony Perkins excused Trump’s deplorable behavior in the name of “religious liberty”; while Faith & Freedom Coalition leader Ralph Reed also dismissed Trump’s sexual assault of women, arguing that for “voters of faith” Trump’s self-confessed history of sexual assault ranks “very low on their hierarchy of concerns.”

Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, admitted that Trump’s comments were “lewd, offensive, and indefensible,” but added that he’s still voting Trump. Because, you know, for conservative Christians, sexual assault ranks very low on their hierarchy of concerns.

After all is said and done, rape culture is a Christian thing.

Bottom line: Conservative Christians like Robertson and others have no real objection to a man who brags about sexually assaulting women.

(H/T Raw Story. Watch the video below -)

Pat Robertson (Image via Screen Grab)

Pat Robertson (Image via Screen Grab)

November 23, 2020

Anti-Science: Conservative Christians are rejecting science and choosing to ignore holiday COVID restrictions, placing themselves, those they love, and everyone else at risk.

For example, Trump-loving megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress says he will ignore the scientists advice about Thanksgiving gatherings, declaring:

I’m Listening to God, Not the WHO

Newsweek reports:

Pastor Robert Jeffress, a White House Faith Initiative member and staunch President Donald Trump supporter, said he’s only listening to God and not human health officials, as he and his megachurch congregation prepare for Thanksgiving.

Appearing on Fox News, Jeffress, senior pastor at the 14,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, said:

I think I’m going to listen to God’s word rather than the WHO when it comes to worship.

Jeffress continued:

We can be socially distanced, we can practice good safety matters, but we can’t shut down. And as the Bible says, we need to obey God rather than man. A pastor has a responsibility to keep his church safe, but also to keep it open.

And Jeffress is not alone in his rejection of science. A megachurch pastor in California recently tolds his congregation to ignore the “tyranny” of holiday COVID restrictions. Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary said:

We are finished with (this) tyranny. We are going to enjoy Thanksgiving and worship our God. I can’t wait to have a wonderful big (Thanksgiving) party. 

We are still standing because men and women have a spine and continue to push back. If we fold, we’re going to have to explain to the generation to come, that on our watch, we surrendered the greatest nation to tyranny. 

Our birth rate is plummeting, our churches are silent, and now we are coming into Thanksgiving and I really do believe that God is causing an awakening in the hearts of America. 

However, despite the willful ignorance of many conservative Christians, public pressure can have a positive effect. Yesterday an Oklahoma megachurch cancelled  a “Friendsgiving” event that would have violated COVID restrictions and placed thousands in danger. 

NBC News reports:

A Tulsa, Oklahoma, mega-church canceled a “Friendsgiving” event, for which it had initially encouraged members to bring a neighbor and had sparked outrage on social media, instead deciding to give out boxed meals to those in need amid rising Covid-19 cases in the state.

Bottom line: Many conservative Christians are rejecting science and choosing to ignore holiday COVID restrictions, placing themselves, those they love, and everyone else at risk.

Conservative Christians Reject Science, Ignore Holiday COVID Restrictions (Image via Screen Grab)
Conservative Christians Reject Science, Ignore Holiday COVID Restrictions (Image via Screen Grab)
July 7, 2020

Tax The Churches: A new report from American Atheists, a religious equality organization, finds that the Trump administration spent $6 to $10 billion taxpayer dollars on church bailouts this year.

In addition to the $6 to $10 billion taxpayer dollars spent on church bailouts, American Atheists “estimated that another $4 to $8 billion of taxpayer money has gone to private schools, most of which are religious.”

To put that in some perspective, the total annual budget for the Center For Disease Control is only  $6.5 billion, which means the Trump administration spent nearly twice as much money bailing out churches than fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

American Atheists report:

Today, the religious equality watchdog organization American Atheists announced that the Trump Administration has spent at least $6 to $10 billion unconstitutionally bailing out houses of worship under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) run by the Small Business Administration (SBA).

In addition, American Atheists estimated that another $4 to $8 billion of taxpayer money has gone to private schools, most of which are religious.

Commenting on the numbers, Nick Fish, president of American Atheists, said:

 In two months, the Trump Administration has given churches and religious schools more money than double the CDC’s annual budget of $6.5 billion. If that doesn’t make it crystal clear what this administration’s priorities are, nothing will.

As for specifics, it is no surprise that Trump allies are receiving special favors. For example, Reuters reports that the First Baptist Church of Dallas, whose pastor, Robert Jeffress, has been on Trump’s evangelical advisory board, “was approved for a forgivable loan worth $2 million to $5 million, according to long-awaited government data released on Monday.”

In addition, HuffPost reports:

The list of religious organizations approved for about 88,400 small business loans also included Joyce Meyer Ministries Inc, a Missouri church which in 2007-2011 was investigated by the Senate over its finances. That church was approved for $5 million to $10 million – the largest sum an individual entity could apply for.

Make no mistake, these church bailouts are a clear violation of the separation of church and state. Instead of helping America’s small businesses, the federal government is now supporting churches with taxpayer money, something the Constitution explicitly prohibits.

Indeed, it is outrageous to think that the current administration would sink so low as to violate the separation of church and state and trash the U.S. Constitution, but here we are.

Bottom line: In a clear violation of the separation of church and state, the Trump administration spent $6 to $10 billion taxpayer dollars on church bailouts this year, using taxpayer money meant to help American small businesses to bail out churches and pay pastor salaries.

Report: Trump Administration's Church Bailouts Cost Taxpayers $6-10 Billion (Image via YouTube)
Report: Trump Administration’s Church Bailouts Cost Taxpayers $6-10 Billion (Image via YouTube)
December 12, 2019

Happy Hanukkah: Pastor Robert Jeffress, a Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, was a special guest speaker at President Donald Trump’s Hanukkah reception at the White House on Wednesday afternoon.

The Dallas Observer reports:

President Donald Trump had a Hanukkah reception at the White House on Wednesday afternoon. That would’ve been weird enough, given that the president told an Israeli American organization Saturday that they had “no choice” to vote for him because Elizabeth Warren would “take 100% of (their) wealth away,” but Trump decided to take things up a notch.

As Trump addressed the crowd before signing an executive order intended to push back against the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement, he called a special guest speaker to the microphone: First Baptist Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress.

The choice to have Jeffress speak at a Hanukkah celebration was offensive to many Jews and other reasonable people, given the fact that Jeffress is a confirmed anti-semite who has gone out of his way to demean and disparage Jewish people in the past. 

In fact, Jeffress has argued on numerous occasions that “Jews go to Hell” when they die because they do not accept Jesus Christ as their savior.  

For example, in a 2009 sermon, Jeffress declared

Not only do religions like Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, not only do they lead people away from the true God, they lead people to an eternity of separation from God in hell. You know, Jesus was very clear. Hell is not only going to be populated by murderers and drug dealers and child abusers. Hell is going to be filled with good religious people who have rejected the truth of Christ.

The good news: At the White House Hanukkah celebration Wednesday Jeffress did not reiterate his position that Jews go to Hell. Instead, Jeffress said:

I believe President Trump is the most pro-faith president in history. Jewish and Christian believers alike believe what God said to Abraham in Genesis 12, that God would bless those who bless Israel and he would curse those who curse Israel. I want to thank you, Mr. President, for being the kind of president who has the courage to stand up and be, when it comes to Israel, on the right side of history, but most importantly, on the right side of God.

Jeffress, an ignorant and small-minded man, is no stranger to controversy. Previously this “good Christian” warned Jews that they and their children would be cursed by God if they voted for Democrats.

And earlier this year Jeffress made the ridiculous claim that climate change is an “imaginary crisis” because God’s rainbow means “that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

The stupid, it burns.

Bottom line: Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, who often claims Jews are going to Hell for rejecting Christ, was the featured guest speaker at President Donald Trump’s White House Hanukkah reception.

Pastor Who Claims ‘Jews Are Going To Hell’ Speaks At White House Hanukkah Celebration (Image via Twitter)
Pastor Who Claims ‘Jews Are Going To Hell’ Speaks At White House Hanukkah Celebration (Image via Twitter)

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