Bible-Betraying Christians

Bible-Betraying Christians December 30, 2020

Related to my own blog post today, here are links to other things that you’ll likely find interesting. Let me begin with a couple of my fellow Patheos bloggers. First, Vance Morgan wrote just recently:

My guess is that many of us were taught as youngsters that tolerance is an important virtue. Many of my (mostly white) students have told me over the past several years in my ethics classes of being taught that tolerance is perhaps the most important virtue, maybe even the only virtue when it comes to interacting with others. But I’m wondering . . . is tolerance a virtue that only privileged people have the luxury of cultivating? What does it cost me, a person privileged in gender, race, and economic status, to be tolerant of those believe differently than I do? Absolutely nothing. But does a person of color or someone in a same-sex marriage have the luxury of being tolerant of those whose opinions and attitudes dismiss and diminish their very existence? Absolutely not.

Is Tolerance a Luxury or a Virtue?

On his blog Fred Clark writes:

Everything we take for granted about white evangelical hermeneutics was shaped by the defense of slavery — the clobber-texting literalism, chapter-and-verse concordance-ism, even the faux-naive pretense that it isn’t even a “hermeneutic” at all because such a fancy-sounding term isn’t necessary for good-hearted good people reading their own Bibles for their own selves. It was — and still is — a hermeneutic designed to bless blasphemy and sin.

Acknowledging that is a necessary step for any attempt to separate evangelical Christianity from its pervasively intrinsic white supremacy.

The 1611 Project

Robyn Dyba wrote on Red Letter Christians:

Those like me who grew up in the Evangelical tradition were conditioned to take comfort in certainties and dispel doubt with platitudes. This brand of Christianity specializes in bumper sticker confidence to quell questions about anything from scriptural literalism to cultural relativism. “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” This is a literal bumper sticker.

The Evangelical Church and the Republican party bonded over caterwauling about family values and sanctity of life, even as leaders from both institutions failed to maintain the righteous standards of their own hypocrisy through public scandal in both camps. Yet the bond of religious nationalism grew so strong that Jesus became an inconvenient third wheel with his “love all, judge not, do good, welcome strangers” ethos.  Better to call on the Jehovah of the old testament to validate war, imprison refugees, and create laws that enforce judgment on lifestyle identity, moral choice, and human desire.

Religious nationalism reached its zenith in this election cycle when Vice President Mike Pence actually altered sacred scripture and replaced “Jesus” with the American Flag in his RNC address this summer.  “So let’s run the race marked out for us,” said Pence. “Let’s fix our eyes on Old Glory and all she represents.”

According to Pence’s own Evangelical theology, manipulating scripture to fit a political message would be akin to blasphemy.  But more importantly, it crystallized the final consummation of church and state. The Evangelical Church’s support of a president who counters the life and teachings of Jesus actually makes sense when you take Jesus out of the equation.  Then you can ignore the cruel, feckless, truthless, despotic, violent, abusive, petty, vindictive language of a dangerous charlatan who promises the Church what it wanted all along: power of judgement over others.

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