Will you help spread the word about Slow Church?

Will you help spread the word about Slow Church? July 9, 2014

Have you read the Slow Church book already?


Or are you in the process of reading it?

We’d love for you to help spread the word about the Slow Church conversation…

Here are several things that would be very helpful:
1) Once you have finished the book, post a brief review to Amazon and/or Goodreads.

2) Does your church library have a copy of Slow Church?  If not, buy a copy for the library. Or recommend it if the library has a budget for acquisitions.

3) Does your public library have a copy (or copies) of Slow Church? If not, recommend it to them.  Many public libraries have a way (often online) for members to recommend books that they want to see in the library.

4) Get a group of people in your church together to read the book.  Whether a small group or leadership team or some other group, Slow Church is a book intended for discussion. John has been working hard on a study guide, which should be released here on the blog next week.

5) Buy a copy of the book for the pastor(s) of your church. Or for other friends/family who are pastors.

6) Do you teach at a Christian college or seminary?   Consider the book for use in a course.  IVP has created a handy flyer for those considering using the book in a course.

7) Share a link to the Slow Church blog on social media.  Or links to reviews of the book.
Here are some of my favorite reviews: [ Byron Borger
Internet Monk’s 5-part Conversation ]
[ Ellen Painter Dollar ]  [ David Swartz ]  [  April Yamasaki  ]


Thanks for reading the book, blog and for helping us launch a conversation about Slow Church.
We are deeply grateful!


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