April 17, 2014

The church, if it wants to offer up Jesus as the answer, needs to look to the slow, intentional, and deliberate practices that cultivate the presence of Christ in our lives so that bring that presence to wherever we live. Read more

April 15, 2014

here are a few thoughts about how some crucial ideas of Slow Church lead us in the direction of not a “big tent” under which diverse people may or may not interact together, but rather a big table, around which we are learning to eat and to talk and to work and to live peaceably together. Read more

April 14, 2014

Willie Jennings is Associate Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School. The title of his talk was "A Place of Redemption: Putting Church on the Ground" Read more

April 9, 2014

You might remember from the recent Religion News Service article, that one of the people interviewed was sociologist of religion Scott Thumma, who said: Scott Thumma, a sociologist of religion at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Conn., says the slow church movement makes for good theology. But it likely won’t work for most churches, he said, for the same reason that the slow food movement failed to gain mass appeal.“We’d all like to have a slow-cooked, three-hour meal, with locally grown... Read more

March 31, 2014

You don’t have to be an educated, young hipster to find such authenticity appealing. You just have to be a person who longs to go deeper with God in community in ways that nurture the soul and the neighborhood. Read more

March 27, 2014

We were honored to host a momentous occasion here at Englewood Christian Church today. Because of Daystar Childcare, our widely-recognized daycare, we were selected as the site where Gov. Mike Pence would sign into law, a new bill that provides state funding for Pre-Kindergarten. We were delighted to be the place where the journey began toward better care for the children of Indiana, and especially children of low-income families. Read more

March 24, 2014

Chris and I have been humbled by the endorsements Slow Church has received–all from writers, activists, pastors, theologians, and and community practitioners whose work has meant so much to us. Here are the endorsements that have come in so far:   “The internet providers have persuaded us that ‘fast’ is better…about everything. As a result, ‘slow’ is a deeply subversive, counter-cultural notion in a culture of ‘fast.’ This thoughtful, discerning book advocates ‘slow’ in faith and in life. This advocacy is... Read more

March 18, 2014

SLOW CHURCH was featured on the Books&Culture podcast! John Wilson praises it, &urges people to "walk, not run to your local Christian bookstore to buy it." Read more

March 1, 2014

No Place to Call Home is a heart-wrenching movie, offering story after story from victims who were sexually abused as children or teenagers while living as part of the JPUSA community Read more

February 27, 2014

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the death of Fred Rogers (aka, PBS's Mr. Rogers). John and I have made no secret of the fact that we are big fans of Mr. Rogers, and even refer to him in the Slow Church book -- in reference to his ideas about the formative power of dinner table conversation. Read more

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