Honorary Doctorates and Old Boots

Honorary Doctorates and Old Boots November 25, 2006


Has anyone noticed that Protestant preachers like Dr Bob Jones Jr and Dr Jerry Falwell aren’t shy about using their doctorates as titles of respect?

Maybe Catholics could pick up on this custom and start referring to Doctor of the Church, St Therese of Liseux as “Dr. Therese Martin” What about “Dr Teresa Avila” or “Dr Edith Stein”?

If you’re familiar with the life of Dr. Martin, you’ll know that despite her name ‘the little flower’ she was tough as a pair of old boots. To prove my point you’ll see that a famous brand of English footwear is actually called “Dr Martens”

These ‘Air ware’ boots are so wonderful that none other than our own beloved JP2 once ordered some. While wearing Dr Marten’s did he remember Dr Therese Martin? I think we should be told.

Comment Quiz question: Which insane tyrant was known by his nickname ‘Little Boots’?

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