St Philip Neri and the Holy Spirit

St Philip Neri and the Holy Spirit May 28, 2007

For Pentecost, link here to read Fr Nicholas’ account of St Philip Neri’s experience of the Holy Spirit. St Philip founded the congregation of the Oratorians. Readers will know about the wonderful Brompton Oratory in London, but Fr Tim has been to preach at the just as fine Birmingham Oratory for the feast of St Philip Neri. Link here for pictures from his visit. One thing he hasn’t pictured here in Cardinal Newman’s room. It is just as it was the day he died, and you can visit the room if you wish. George Weigel devotes a chapter to the Birmingham Oratory in his book Letters to a Young Catholic. If you don’t know much about St Philip Neri, Fr Tim’s sermon is instructive. Here are photos from inside the Oratory, the Church, High Altar, and the chapel of St Philip Neri. Check it out!

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