
Moses September 12, 2007

Holy Moses! What I love about the man is his meekness. Brought up in the royal household, but kills a man and runs for his life. Learns the name of God at the Burning Bush, but doesn’t flaunt it. Returns to court and steps up to the plate and leads God’s people even though he doesn’t want to. Crosses the Red Sea, defeats his enemies with a mighty miracle and just keeps moving on. Leads a rebellious people with patience that sometimes boils over, but still he intercedes before God for mercy for them. He meets God on the mountain, and his face is so radiant that he has to wear a veil.

Like Abraham, can you sense the littleness of Moses? He’s the mighty prophet, but he’s the quiet man. He just wants to mind his own business, when God calls him to great things. He’s often confused and full of self doubt, but still he follows God.

He’s the mystic in the desert, the man whose wounded heart is open to God. The searcher, the contemplative, the one who has learned to listen the Voice, the one who responds from the burning heart of Love with a burning heart of love.

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