Sleepwalking into Atheism

Sleepwalking into Atheism January 18, 2009

BBC Presenter Jeremy Vines speaks frankly about the present state of anti Christian feeling in the UK. The comments on this article are especially interesting to read. I like one who says, “We are sleepwalking into an atheistic state.”

This is how the sleepwalking works: First people stop believing in objective morality. They say this is because they ‘morality is complicated’ and ‘we want to be tolerant and forgiving to those who are in difficult moral situations’ and ‘we mustn’t be judgmental’. This is usually a subtext for ‘I have chosen to disobey what I know to be right, and to justify it I must complicate the matter’ and ‘I don’t want anyone to judge me and my friends for the immoral choices we’ve made.’

Once objective morality has gone, then the need to practice any specific religion soon follows. If there is no moral imperative to practice the worship of God, then it is a personal choice, and if it is a personal choice, then it doesn’t matter if I choose not to. When this attitude prevails you find the typical person saying things like, “You don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.” Or “I am spiritual but not religious” or “I believe in God, but not in established churches.”

The third step of sleepwalking is easy. Now that the person does not believe that morality or the practice or religion are necessary, then most anything goes. His next step towards atheism is that tolerance is the main (and in fact only) virtue. Everyone must simply tolerate everyone else and no one must have enemies and everyone must simply live and let live.

At this point the person and the society have sleepwalked into practical atheism. They may not proclaim their atheism aloud, but that is simply because they have not thought it through. Let a Dawkins come along and write a seemingly smart book about atheism and the poor dumb sheep swallows it hook, line and sinker–not because he has followed any line of rational argument (because the new atheists’ propaganda doesn’t offer that) but because he is simply recognizing what he has already come to believe.

Suddenly, the religious person is the oddball. No matter what religion he follows, if he believes that there is a moral law, that there is right and wrong, that there is religious dogma, if there is right belief and incorrect belief he is seen as the most horrendous person of all. He is a heretic, a scoundrel, and he will be portrayed as an intolerant bigot–the sort of religious person who starts religious wars, burns books, burns witches burns heretics, and will fly airplanes into skyscrapers. The religious man is therefore the one danger to the now atheistic society.

I do hate to appear paranoid, but the next step seems unavoidable (except by some supernatural conversion of hearts) and the next step is that these threats to society. i.e. religious people, must be neutralized, silenced and even eliminated. This will not require organized government police squads. The people themselves at every level will do the work. Whether it is through management decisions within large corporations or low level decisions in workplaces, clubs and other societal organizations, the ‘intolerant’ religious people will be eliminated.

Sharpen your weapons.

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