The Bitter Pill

The Bitter Pill February 19, 2009

London’s left wing ‘Catholic’ journal The Tablet has launched an attack on Fr Tim Finigan over his celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. You can read the article (and Fr Finigan’s comments) here.

What struck me about reading the article was the petty, sniping tone. All sorts of little grumbles about people who ‘don’t like’ the Latin Mass and who ‘feel excluded’ or ‘don’t understand’ what is going on. Grumbles that there are no extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, no bidding prayers led by the people etc. etc.
Good heavens! What if a conservative Catholic were to write a critique of any number of groovy Novus Ordo Masses led by Fr Folkmass and Sister Sandals? It could go on and on…

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