Conversion of St Paul

Conversion of St Paul January 25, 2010
The Benedictine makes a vow to conversion of life. Conversion means ‘transformation’, so this is not just what we think of as a once and done conversion experience. Instead, conversion of Life means conversion of one’s whole life. That means not one whiff of sulfur, not one sordid thought, not one mean action or sweet private lust will be allowed to remain. All of it must be purged. All the wood, hay and stubble will be burnt away. And, if it is my whole life which must be converted, then I also long and pray for the whole of LIFE to be converted–in other words not just my world, but the whole world. St Paul says the whole world groans for redemption as a woman in childbirth. What we fail to realize is that the conversion of the whole of LIFE depends on the conversion of my life. A saint participates not only in their own salvation, but the salvation of the whole world. If we could only have eyes to see the eternal effects of that one action of self sacrifice, that one decision to obey, that one gracious act in the lives of others. If we could only see the final outcome we would be astounded at how the conversion of our one solitary life reverberates down the ages and for all time. If we are pursuing true conversion of life we are entering an eternally upward spiral in which we participate in a life that is greater and more graced and abundant than we could ever imagine. If we do not seek constant and complete conversion then we are on a downward spiral into the dark nothingness and the eternal sorrow of our solitary selves. We must be on one path or the other. Although our lives often seem gray and ambiguous we must decide today at this very moment which path we will follow. If it is for life and for the conversion of life, then let us run on the path, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.

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