They’re so Young! They’re so Many!

They’re so Young! They’re so Many! April 21, 2010

An aging pro abortion campaigner arrives in Washington during the March for Life:

 This past January, when Keenan’s train pulled into Washington’s Union Station, a few blocks from the Capitol, she was greeted by a swarm of anti-abortion-rights activists. It was the 37th annual March for Life, organized every year on Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe. “I just thought, my gosh, they are so young,” Keenan recalled. “There are so many of them, and they are so young.” March for Life estimates it drew 400,000 activists to the Capitol this year. An anti-Stupak rally two months earlier had about 1,300 attendees.

Read the whole article about the aging and dwindling pro abortion campaign faced with the young and aggressive pro life campaign…

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