Pope Francis – Apocalypse Now?

Pope Francis – Apocalypse Now? January 29, 2015

Francis haloPope Francis remains an exciting enigma for many. Some find him maddening while others find him enlightening and others are simply confused.

My article for Aleteia this week gives the key to understanding Pope Francis. It opens the door to his world vision and this underlying perspective influences all that he says and does.

Pope Francis, like Benedict before him, sees the Church in conflict with the world. His regular references to the battle against Satan and his call to stand up to the evil and corrupt powers of the world reveal a pope who is apocalyptic in his vision. Pope Francis refers to Benson’s novel because he wants Catholics to take notice that the Church is in conflict with the spirit of the age and with the Lord of this World who is Satan, the Father of Lies, the Great Deceiver, the Hater of Humanity and the Destroyer of All Things.

Go here to read the whole article.

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