The New St Thomas Institute

The New St Thomas Institute November 7, 2015

Dr Taylor Marshall
Dr Taylor Marshall

Taylor Marshall’s work is highlighted here in my latest article for Aleteia.

My friend and fellow former Anglican priest is doing fantastic work for the church

Ten years ago Taylor Marshall resigned from his ministry as an Episcopalian priest. He was a young married man with no idea what God wanted him to do next, except that his reading and prayer had brought him to the point where he knew he was being called to come into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Since then he has completed his PhD on Thomas Aquinas and natural law, written six books on Catholic theology, penned a riveting historical novel about St. George called Sword and Serpent, founded a Catholic outdoors ministry for fathers and sons called The Troops of St. George, welcomed eight children into his family and started an international online Catholic theology college called the New St. Thomas Institute. If that weren’t enough Marshall maintains a daily blog, circulates solid Catholic materials to a mailing list of more than 30,000 and broadcasts a weekly podcast that has garnered more than 600,000 downloads.

Go here to read the full article.

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