Mass? What’s the Point?

Mass? What’s the Point? June 9, 2016

blackfriarsMy article at Aleteia this week is a discussion of Cardinal Sarah’s encouragement of ad orientem celebration of the Mass.

Last week the French publication Famille Chretienne published a lengthy interview with Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in which he urges a return to Mass being celebrated ad orientem and explains why. To get the right answer we must first ask the right question, and the question is “Mass? What’s the point?”

There are two possible “points” or focuses for the Mass: God or the People of God. In ad orientem celebration of Mass the priest is not so much “turning his back to the people” as he is facing the same way as his people and praying with them. Together their orientation is away from themselves and towards God. The “point,” therefore, is to turn our hearts to the Lord.

Go here for the full article.

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