Still Standing on My Head

Still Standing on My Head January 9, 2018

Standing on My HeadSome regular readers at Patheos may be wondering what happened to my blog Standing on My Head.

Last fall I moved it over to my new website to consolidate all my outreach efforts in one place. I still blog here from time to time, and ten years worth of archived material is still published here at Patheos.

However, new material is published every day at Standing on My Head. The new blog website is free and without ads and pop ups of any kind.

To keep the blog ad-free there is a Donor Subscriber section. I regularly upload articles I have written for other outlets into a special Archived Articles section. Today I loaded three articles. You can read about them here in a blog post called Cheeseburgers, Patriarchs and Pain.

This page tells you what special offers, benefits and add ons Donor Subscribers are entitled to. In addition to the Archived Articles section, Donor Subscribers have access to the comments box, discounts on books and pilgrimages and a regular “Grab Box” with free giveaways and discount offers.

Thanks for all who follow me here at Patheos. I invite you not only to bookmark the new blog website, but also to follow me on Twitter here or like my Standing on My Head Facebook page here.

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