July 29, 2016

The question is very simple. Can a faithful Catholic vote for Hillary Clinton? But first, let’s get some things straight: First, my opinion doesn’t really matter. How I vote as an individual is my business. How you vote is your business. Second, don’t assume that a person’s criticism of one candidate means endorsement for their opponent. This election is about more than your presidential pick. Third, don’t listen to me. Listen to our bishops. The document advising us on responsible... Read more

July 26, 2016

Why are so many Catholics disturbed, annoyed, restless, frightened and angry? It’s because we are going through a time of Catholic realignment. In the United States and the rest of the developed world we are experiencing a breakdown of the old Catholic tribalism that we have got used to over the last fifty years since the close of the second Vatican Council. During that time period we have seen the Catholic Church Europe and North America divide into “Liberal” and “Conservative.”... Read more

July 25, 2016

Why are so many Americans in a condition of confusion, fear, suspicion, anger and rage? It is because of our disproportionate and disordered understanding of freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom Its like that is the only virtue Americans know about anymore. But freedom like all virtues, is a delicate, vulnerable and hard won thing, and if it is not hard won, then it is not a virtue, it is a slogan. It is a jingoistic slogan when we invade other... Read more

July 24, 2016

Like the vast majority of Americans I am looking at the choices we have for president with a mixture of amazement, disgust and bewilderment. When there were so many experienced, smart, qualified and able men and women running for the Republican nomination how could we end up with this dangerous clown? Now that it is emerging that what everyone knew all along that Hiliary and Bill had the Democratic thing sewn up a year ago through back room deals and... Read more

July 24, 2016

As Tim Kaine steps into the shoes of “devout Catholics” Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, he also joins the club of “Kennedy Catholics” These are the “Catholic” politicians who publicly support abortion. Readers may not be familiar with the history of what we can now call “Kennedy Catholics”. This article from the Wall Street Journal tells the full story of how the nation’s most prominent Catholic political family switched from being pro life to pro death. Even Ted Kennedy, who... Read more

July 23, 2016

It’s now a done deal. We’ve got the choice between Hillary with a Kennedy-Catholic VP or Trump with a Catholic who took off for the Evangelicals and is now “looking for a Church.” I think Christians who have any illusion about having a committed and principled Christian in the Oval Office or in the jump seat should come back to earth. It ain’t gonna happen. Furthermore, it hasn’t been happening for as long as I can remember.  The  the only committed, regular church... Read more

July 23, 2016

On Facebook the other day somebody screamed because she had had an encounter with a five foot black snake. I guess she would not be inclined to go in for one of the forms of Protestantism here in the American South. Having lived in South Carolina now for ten years I feel like I am starting to appreciate what it means to be a Southern Gentleman. I steadfastly refuse grits out of loyalty to my Yankee roots, but I’m fine... Read more

June 30, 2016

Pipe Up and make your voice heard! If you think good church music makes for good church worship, then please help us reach our goal to build the organ chamber for the new pipe organ at the new Our Lady of the Rosary Church. We need $40,000 and we’ve already reached the amazing amount of $38,370! Can you help us with the last $1,630? If everybody did a little we’d get there. Go here to learn about the new organ,... Read more

June 29, 2016

My article for CRUX this week critiques Pope Francis’ remarks on the airplane about Martin Luther No one would disagree that the ecumenical path is difficult, and most everyone would agree that the Protestant revolt was tragic. We would all also affirm with Pope Francis that, as Christian brothers and sisters, we should continue to work and pray together as much as possible. It is the imprecision that accompanies Pope Francis’ warm and fuzzy talk that increasingly frustrates many Catholics.... Read more

June 26, 2016

My essay  this week at Imaginative Conservative links two kings and Lord of the Rings. A minor observation in a recent essay began a series of connections that will please Catholics, conservatives, history hounds, and J.R.R. Tolkien fans. go here for the full article. Read more

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