April 23, 2012

Today is William Shakespeare’s birthday, and it’s getting to be pretty well accepted that the mysterious man of Avon was actually a Catholic. Joseph Pearce’s book, The Quest for Shakespeare is the best of the books exploring the evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism.

It is a web of intriguing evidence from the fact that Shakespeare’s mother came from a famous family of recusant Catholics, his school teachers were Catholics and his father was fined for being a Catholic as was his daughter. Pearce pieces together the rest of the evidence as well in a fascinating study that comes up with the conclusion that if Shakespeare wasn’t a practicing Catholic then, at least his worldview, his values and beliefs were infused with a Catholic vision.

I wrote an article for Pearce’s journal St Austin Review on how Shakespeare’s Catholic vision effected his work and how and why it differs so deeply from the drama produced today for television and the movies. You can read the article here: Shakespeare and the Movies.

The world of Shakespeare/Catholic scholarship is growing, and the plays are being interpreted in the light of Shakespeare’s Catholic faith. Read more.

By the way– if you’re intrigued by conspiracy theories about Shakespeare, what about the spooky detail that some people think proves that he helped write the King James Version of the Bible? Go here to find out more.

January 31, 2011

Guest blogger Todd Unctuous is top commentator for MSM. With a degree in Media Studies from Scranton Community College, Todd writes for many papers and websites, and is known for his incisive writing, objective reporting and razor sharp comment.

 The people of Egypt have been oppressed long enough by the cruel dictator Hosni Mubarak. At last the ordinary men and women are rising up to claim their rights as citizens of Egypt and citizens of the free world. It is no surprise to discover that this dictator has been propped up by the oil thirsty, profit grabbing right wing regime of the Bush family over the years.

“Let the people of Egypt starve–as long as we can have cheap oil!” is the cry of the tea party activists. Now at last the noble sons and daughters of King Tut and the other pharaohs who built the pyramids are claiming their own legacy of freedom. They are shaking off the chains of oppression and will soon be able to elect their own leaders, who will be able to lead them. As the BeeGees once sang, “We will overcome!” There is a future for Egypt. As Judy Garland always sang so poignantly, it is ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow.”

What is over the Rainbow? What does the future hold for the huddled masses yearning to breathe free in Egypt? The main thing to remember is that they themselves must be the masters (and mistresses) of their destiny. Many in the West fear that Egypt will become another Iran and that Muslim extremists may take over the country. I myself, do not fear such a result. We must remember that the terrorists are only responding to attacks on their own homelands by armed aggressors. This is not to excuse their tactics, for what they do is inexcusable. Sending young men on airliners with bombs in their underpants is an act of desperation. No, these terrorists are no real threat. If we enter into dialogue with them surely common sense will prevail and they will see that we wish them nothing but peace. In fact, as it is commonly known, Islam is a religion of peace, and if the negotiators like Hilary Clinton can help them to understand their own faith better I see no reason why (as John Denver once sang) we can’t “give peace a chance.”

This is not to dismiss the reality that in the Middle East religion is a subject of importance for many people. I am not myself a religious man, but I do respect people like Mahatma Gandhi, the Rev. Joel Osteen and Vice President Joe Biden who have a strong faith. In the Middle East there are religious fanatics to be sure, but are the Muslims really the villains? I look to the radical Jews of the Zionist state of Israel. Surely with their well financed military machine they are the real threat in the region? I am not a believer in conspiracy theories, but it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the fantastically wealthy Jewish banking families are supporting the Jewish state who keep oppressing the Palestinian people. Finally, we must ask who is in a secret alliance with these groups?

Any sensible person must lay the blame at the doorstep of the Vatican city. Who can forget the pictures of Pope Pius XIII meeting with Hitler, who so mercilessly slaughtered so many innocent Jews? The present Pope, who was a member of the Hitler youth must also be part of the plot against the Jews, who have done nothing more than ask for their own homeland after centuries of persecution. The Vatican Bank, corrupt for many years, is one of the groups that is funding Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, trying to undermine the Islamic religion by portraying it as extremist.

This must be defeated at all costs, and the benevolent rule of Hosni Mubarak and his team of dedicated ministers must be upheld. This is important to us to protect our vital interests in the region, and to bring stability and peace to an area of the world that will always be troubled as long as religion–which always breeds bigotry and violence–reigns supreme in that troubled land.

Todd Unctous is forty two. 

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To learn more about Todd Unctious and his illustrious career go here.

January 27, 2011

Before I was ordained I started a business training/personal development company and used to do work in prisons and schools as well as in management training. We would often talk about belief systems and I would say that everyone believed in something. One prisoner said, “Not me. I don’t believe in anything.” My reply was, “You have just stated what you believe in.”

What I mean by belief system is that everyone operates with a certain set of assumptions which they rarely examine. On this foundation of assumptions they construct a framework of beliefs which give order and meaning to their life, even if (paradoxically) their “order and meaning” is nihilism and anarchy.) Some people (like Catholics) have a very intricate and interlocking framework of beliefs which helps them specify, clarify and classify life’s mystery. Indeed many Catholics of the more conservative bent go overboard and feel they must organize and control everything with a rule here, an item of canon law there, here a dogma, there a doctrine, here a regulation, there a rubric. But we’ll save that condition for another day…

Instead, I’m interested in the human need for an underlying system that gives their life meaning and purpose. Humankind cannot bear chaos and true nihilism. The human spirit fills the void somehow and searches for some deeper pattern and meaning to it all–even when it is not conscious that it is doing so. This hunger in the human heart is a hunger for God; a deep longing to know, and be unified with that loving intelligence that orders all things. It is a hunger for the certainty that behind and beneath and within the mysterious and sometimes seemingly absurd events of life God’s hand is at work guiding and directing all things to a good and just climax and fulfillment. Abandonment to that Divine Providence is the end point of the spiritual life: to become so full of trust and love for God that we commend our whole selves into his care moment by moment even when we don’t understand what is happening–especially when we don’t understand what is happening. At this point we begin to live within the power of God and begin to dwell at the heart of the love that ‘moves the sun and all the other stars.’

The alternative is what human beings drift into when they either ignore or reject Divine Providence–and that is some form of paranoia. All of us (whether we admit it or not) believe there really is some sort of larger plan and underlying pattern, and if we accept Divine Providence, then we accept that there is a great and good intelligence that guides all things according to a plan and pattern far greater than we can understand. However, if we reject that Divine Providence (and many ‘believers’ who intellectually believe in the Divine Providence still are unable or refuse to submit to it) we still have the fundamental conviction that there is some greater power ‘behind it all’ but instead of seeing that power as benign and benevolent ‘The Power’ is something to fear. This inner fear is then projected outward and becomes the motivating force for all sorts and forms of paranoia.

These forms of paranoia have been with humanity in every age. Every form of panic apocalypticism is individual and group paranoia. This panic apocalyptism may be ‘Christian’ with hysterical predictions of Christ’s return and the disintegration of the world system. It may be the paranoia of conspiracy theories of all sorts. “It’s the international banking families or the Jews or the homosexualists or the Freemasons or the Communists or the aliens or the US government or the CIA or the liberal mainstream media.” And lest the left wing feel innocent, they too have their paranoid belief systems. “It’s a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’, it’s global warming or nuclear disaster or overpopulation or world ecosystems collapsing and its global famine and the oil hungry cabal of American capitalists…” All these are forms of paranoia–fear of ‘The Power’ whatever it is–which is going to cause the end of the world and the collapse of all things. Of course this paranoia may be mild in form, but very often it takes the form of true paranoia–in which every news item, every fact of history, every event on the world stage is interpreted as part of the paranoic world view, and when the fact doesn’t fit the theory it is either rejected as a lie or it fits into the vast ‘cover up’ of the facts which goes along with all paranoia.

What interests me is that paranoia is the one form of mental illness that cannot really be treated. You can see why: the paranoid person suspects the doctor, won’t take his medicine and doesn’t believe he is insane. Tell the paranoid person that he’s lost his grip on reality and you become ‘one of the enemy.’

The only remedy is the opposite belief system: child like trust in the Divine Providence. If you are human you have to have some sort of belief system, so you might as well go with the one which not only offers peace of mind, joy and hope, but which also happens to be true.

It’s the way we’re made, and St Augustine’s words were never more deeply true that “O Lord, our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.”

September 9, 2010

Guest blogger Todd Unctuous is top commentator for MSM. With a degree in Media Studies from Scranton Community College, Todd writes for many papers and websites, and is known for his incisive writing, objective reporting and razor sharp comment.

 I see from the news headlines that the Pope of Rome will soon be visiting the United Kingdom and that most people in Britain either do not care or do not want him to visit. This does not surprise me since it is well known that England is one of the most modern and open minded countries in the world. Well known for their sense of humor and their ability to wait in a queue, the English are also famous for founding the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and also the polytechnic. The fact of the matter is, the English don’t want the Pope of Rome in their country and they resent having to pay the millions of dollars for his visit when there are many people in Africa who are dying of AIDS–most of whom have the disease because of the “Holy Father’s” policies on condom usage.

It is heartening to see that some of the Pope’s own people are now speaking up against this costly and wasteful visit. These English Catholics are denouncing the Pope’s misogynistic and homophobic policies. They are saying what all right thinking ordinary folk already say: “Stop persecuting gay people! Stop discriminating against women! Allow priests to get married! Stop covering up for pedophiles! Stop global warming! Stop persecuting those who wear polyester vestments! In true Britisher style, these smart English people are too subtle to come right out and declare themselves to be the honest rebels they really are. Instead they are using their brains and presenting themselves as ‘faithful Catholics.’ They are very smart to begin their statements by saying what they like and affirm about the Catholic Church. So, for instance, they admit that they think the Catholic social teaching which, as far as I understand, is sensibly left wing, is a good and noble thing.

Far be it from me to pass judgment on any religious person or religious group. I am not qualified to do so because I am not myself a religious man although I do respect people who hold strong religious views like our Vice President Joseph Biden and also the actor Richard Gere who is a devout Buddhist. Nevertheless, it seems to me as an ordinary person that formal religion is one of the most divisive influences in the world today. Surely it is people like the Pope in Rome who is certain he is ‘unfallible’ and that everybody else is wrong who is dividing people and excluding people. It is much better in my opinion that people should follow the spirituality of their choice and not exclude others. Therefore it is the spiritual person rather than the religious person who gains my admiration most. I consider someone like the late King of Pop–Michael Jackson–who exhibits true freedom of spirit, love of innocent children and a simple joy in being a genius–he was one person who was a truly spiritual person. Princess Diana–the “People’s Princess” is another such soul.

But the King and the Princess have been taken from us and we are left with a tired old man in a white dress who drags himself around the world forcing more and more people to idolize him. Far be it from me to make any sort of judgment about the man, but I have increasing respect for the British who seem to be saying like their rumbustious king Henry of old, “We’ll have no Pope here!”

This helps us to put the papal visit into a historical context. King Henry VIII spoke the mind of the British people very clearly 500 years ago when he broke with the Pope in Rome. Why can’t the present Pope take ‘NO!” for an answer? Over the years the papal powers that be have been scheming and plotting to take over the world and they have always seen Britain as one of the key pieces in the strategy. I have not time for wild and crazy conspiracy theories, but any clear reading of history will prove that beneath the white robes, the smiles and the royal waves every Pope in Rome has seen himself as the successor to the Roman Emperors and as such they have one thing in mind: world conquest. Dan Brown’s brilliant novels have shown the truth behind the legend, and now it is the open minded and ordinary British who are a down to earth people and have no time for expensive royal figures with processions and privilege and pomp and circumstance…they have seen through all the pomp and circumstance to speak out about the Pope’s true colors.

Long live Britannia is what I say!

Todd Unctuous is forty two.

July 4, 2010

In the past I have had occasion to list, in no particular order, what I loved about England. On this Fourth of July allow me a list of what I love about the USA. Here goes.

Hot Dogs and Sauerkraut, Elvis Presley, It’s a Wonderful Life, Drive In Restaurants, The Blue Ridge Parkway, Columbo, Amish people, Manhattan, Hamburgers, Flannery O’Connor, T-Shirts, Clear Creek Monastery, equality, Cole Porter, the saxophone, Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream, Katherine Hepburn, Southern Comfort, Honda 750 Shadow Spirit, football, Shawshank Redemption, cranberry juice, generosity, Johnny Depp, shoo fly pie, North Carolina mountains, milkshakes, marching bands, T.S.Eliot, religiosity, Amusement Parks, Fiddler on the Roof, Aaron Copeland, Optimism, Indiana Jones, beauty pageants, Washington DC, Orthodontics, Frank Sinatra, Thomas Merton, Rib Eye Steaks, Charleston, Bar BQ, Tina Turner, ceiling fans, Myrtle Beach, Thanksgiving, gospel quartets, the community pool, oreos, baseball, clean toilets, Disneyland, Ray Ban sunglasses, B. B. King, Ronald Reagan, turtle track ice cream, Tennessee Williams, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Casablanca, Minnesota, pickles, Andrew Wyeth, pretzels, the Blues Brothers, Dorothy Day, patriotism, air conditioning, summer camp, Patsy Cline, speed boats, pecan pie, naivety, James Taylor, Manhattans, peanut butter, Catcher in the Rye, pizza, root beer, the pro life movement, friendliness, Dr. Pepper, conspiracy theories, peaches, front porches, EWTN, the Grand Canyon, corn on the cob, Renee Zellwegger, Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, hash browns, the open road, Empire State Building, enthusiasm, gangster movies, Buster Keaton, fresh shrimp, Knights of Columbus, Guys and Dolls, Gershwin, freedom, the Shenandoah Valley, taking risks, Ella Fitzgerald, fried chicken, Robert Frost, radio preachers, cheerfulness, interstate rest stops, Redwood forests, Robert Duvall, cook outs, Niagara Falls,

Phew! What have I left out?

April 16, 2010

Guest blogger Todd Unctuous is top commentator for MSM. With a degree in Media Studies from Scranton Community College, Todd writes for many papers and websites, and is known for his incisive writing, objective reporting and razor sharp comment.

I have been disturbed to read that there are some people who doubt that the volcano in Iceland has been caused by man made global warming. It is clearly obvious to anyone who has considered the facts that this volcano is the direct result of George W. Bush’s disastrous oil guzzling presidency. The earth is a fragile and delicate organism that responds to the slightest of pressure. As the famous actor and climatologist Danny Glover has pointed out, “The earthquake in Haiti.” was caused by a disruption in the delicate and fragile ecosystem. It’s simple. Push Mother Nature and she pushes back.

For years now the Republican governments financed by the international cartel of oil companies and what Democratic president Dwight Eisenhower called “the military industrial complex” have been turning a blind eye to the warming of the planet. This is not rocket science. Every car and truck and airplane you see is belching out black smoke which pollutes the air and warms the atmosphere. This causes the glaciers to melt and guess what, Iceland used to be a country covered with glacier and it no longer is. No doubt the thinning of the glacial ice pack allowed the dormant volcano to be closer to the surface which made it easier for the volcano to disrupt. The hot lave which flowed down across the icebergs melted them further, driving the polar bears and their cubs out into the sea where they were either drowned or caught up in tuna fishing nets.

What is the result? I am not one who believes in conspiracy theories or end of world scenarios, but it is hard to resist the implications of these facts. We have seen over the last year an increase in earthquake, volcanos, economic disasters, the death of Michael Jackson and Susan Boyle losing the Britain’s Got Talent competition. I fear there are many more such disasters on the horizon in the distance. The tragic thing is that they could have been avoided. Nobel prize winner Mr. Al Gore has been prophetizing on this theme for some time and warning people that if they do not turn away from their gas guzzling ways and invest in his ‘green energy’ program that the world will soon come to a grinding halt.

These things should be obvious to anyone who simply opens their eyes and does the math. Brilliant scientists like Dr. Richard Dawkins of Oxford University have shown that mankind’s problems are caused by ‘the Selfish Gene’, and Alfred Einstein famously said that “God does not play dice.” Indeed, there is a plan that can be put in place, and only when the rich people give up their cars and their greedy lifestyle will the planet return to harmony and begin to heal itself.

I am not a religious man, but I deeply respect those who hold to a religious view of life like the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. While I am not religious, I am interested in spirituality, and isn’t this what the world really needs now? After all, as the famous song goes, “It’s a small world after all.” The spiritual side of humanity needs to be allowed to blossom and grow. As the feminist theologians like Sister Joan Chipmonk OSD teaches us, “Each one of us needs to be in touch with our Inner Earth Mother. This is the sort of religion that we need to heal our deepest wounds, heal our economy and heal our world.

Todd Unctuous is forty two. For more information on Todd and his illustrious career go here.

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