I Mourn The Thickening Of The Veil

I Mourn The Thickening Of The Veil May 10, 2018

During the months surrounding Samhain, I’m so in tune with myself and the gods.  Rituals feel better, stronger, and bolder.  My connections with spirits and the gods are more vibrant and plentiful.  All my longings for deep experiences are satisfied, easily.

Photo from Pixabay, CC0.

As a highly sensitive witch and a devotee of a death goddess, I feel a strong connection with the otherworlds, especially around Samhain.  It’s true that seeing ghosts can startle me, and receiving words in my head a few seconds before someone speaks them can give me an uncanny feeling, but I like it.  It reaffirms my knowledge that the spiritual worlds and energetic worlds are real.  It bolsters all of my other experiences.

Then springtime hits, and it all diminishes.  I reach out for the spirits, and the connection feels smaller.  I know they’re always there and I can connect to them at any time.  My ancestors, the spirits, and Lady Death are always just beyond the veil.  But these months, they visit me less.  Or, perhaps I sense them less.  All I know is I don’t feel them as strongly during the spring and early summer months.

I miss feeling the forcefield and the winds of the otherworld. I miss feeling something deeper and external from me.

veil thinning thickening pagan wiccan witch
Photo from Pxhere, CC0.

These warm months, I tend to my garden.  I grow herbs that will be used in magic during the winter months.  I see friends more often and have more fire dancing performances.  I work more.  I honor more of the bright-sun deities in my mind, such as Aphrodite, Cernunnos, and Athena.

I find I need more healing during the spring and summer solar holidays.  Maybe it’s because the nights are so short.   Nighttime has always been a deep healing time for me.  Yoga and healing bath rituals are some of my favorites.

In those bright-sun months, I also go to more pagan festivals. The swirling, high energy of massive group rituals helps fill the energetic loss of the otherworld connection. They help me bridge the gap between Samhain seasons.

Photo from Pixnio, CC0.

But what I wouldn’t give to feel the shredded veil flutter through my fingertips. What I wouldn’t give for another experience with the profound goddess Hel, or the feeling of a nature spirit, or the sound of a beloved dead’s voice in my head.

This year, the thickening of the veil has felt more devastating than most other years. I’d appreciate input from others about this. Do you feel the veil is thicker, or is it just in stark contrast to how thin and torn it has been lately?

I can’t help but wonder if someone is reweaving the veil. Can such an occurrence even happen? If so, who would do such a thing? Moreover, who could reweave the veil between the worlds? If it’s true, it would take a strong spirit, that’s for sure.

Is anyone else feeling this veil thickness more than usual? Let me know in the comments and we can discuss.

Photo from Pixabay, CC0.

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About Astrea
Astrea is a polytheistic pagan witch, fire dancer, new ager, and writer of fiction. Check out her social media accounts to see all her blog posts and extra special witchy / artsy / personal content. You can read more about the author here.

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