There are times when we can use magic to effect change in the world, and there are times when all the magic in the world won’t change anything.
Maybe our minds play ruminative thoughts about events in the past that we can’t change–ones which we’d rather not replay every night as we try to sleep.
Or perhaps we’d rather stay out of a situation and keep our energy separate.
For all these needs, I present the Serenity Jar Spell
The serenity jar spell uses calming correspondences and the magical action of containment to separate you from the things you can’t control–or don’t want to control. It literally encases your worries in soothing energy, giving you a much-needed mental break.
amethyst, one drop of full-strength lavender oil, jar with a lid, small pieces of paper, writing utensil
Place the amethyst into the jar. Put one drop of oil into the jar. Take a deep breath of the calming scent.
In a clear, strong voice, say:
In this jar, I name the things outside of my control.
I name the things I am removing from my mind.
I name the things I am separating myself from.
Serenity, take these things from me.
and envelop them in the energy of peace.
Raising Energy
In this spell, we’ll raise energy in a counter-intuitive way–by removing negative energy from ourselves.
On each scrap of paper, write down something beyond your control or something you wish to separate from.
After you write one, make a conscious decision to separate yourself from this energy.
Open the lid, drop the paper into the jar, and inhale the aroma of the lavender oil. Let the scent of the oil give you serenity, peace, and separation. Put the lid back on to keep the aroma in there.
Repeat this a few times. I recommend writing down at least four things, as this is a stable number.
When you’re done writing things down, shake the bottle. Listen to the rattle of the amethyst as it knocks against the paper and the walls, calming those issues down with its serene energy.
Take a few more deep breaths and be conscious of the burden lifted. The magic is done!
Store the Serenity Jar
Keep the jar somewhere private and safe. Whenever you want to experience serenity by limiting the energy you engage with, write your worries down on a piece of paper, open the jar, insert it, inhale, and shake the jar. This is a simple magic, but it works.
I hope you enjoyed this little bit of intuitive witchcraft. I made this up on the fly when I needed to focus on other matters.
It’s easy to create your own spells and rituals–if you want to learn more about making your own magic, check out this article:
How to Write Your Own Spells and Rituals: A Basic Formula For Creating Magic
You might also like these other articles I wrote:
The Cleansing Power of Salt Bowls: Removing Negative Energy from the Home
Doorframe Spells for Love, Magic, Protection, and More
Bay Leaf Magic: Burn and Banish
I hope you have a wonderful, serenity-filled week.