June 1, 2017

We are doing a scripture study together: reading along through some scriptures and discussing the passages. Here are all of the posts on the previous verses for the Gita: Bhagavad Gita Study From the Winthrop Sargeant translation of The Bhagavad Gita… 16. “What is action? What is inaction?” Thus, even the wise are confused in this matter. This action I shall explain to you, Having known which, you shall be released from evil. 17. One must know the nature of action,... Read more

May 29, 2017

I wager that Hindus may have the most festivals or holidays of any religion in the world. There are some big ones that most people have heard of by now. Diwali is the one that I think most westerners can identify. Some with Indian friends may know Holi, Navratri, Ram Navami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Krishna Janmashtami or Pongol. But did you know that there are actually many more Hindu festivals? By Hitesh vip – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link If... Read more

May 26, 2017

I’m having a dilema. You guys know I love wearing my bindi. I find it important not just for its purported spiritual benefits but also as a reminder to myself of my values and who I strive to be and as a way of reminding others of the diversity of our society. However, things have gotten more complicated for me. I’m a member of a wonderful mom’s group. I have awesome new friends and it’s a very diverse group too.... Read more

May 22, 2017

Author Milind Makwana sent me a copy of his book A Day in the Life of a Hindu Kid to review. I’m so delighted to have a copy for Garrick Ravi. It is a very sweet book about two siblings who are American-born Hindus. It goes through their day leading readers through prayers and customs. The prayers are in devanagari script, transliteration, and English translation. The background scenes have lots of nice Indian culture touches and the illustrations are cute.... Read more

May 20, 2017

I can’t believe how fast May is flying by. More than half way through already. Tomorrow is Garrick Ravi’s first birthday! Watch my Youtube channel for a video coming soon of shaving his head and doing a birthday arti. Here is last week’s post on my #moms30for30 wardrobe challenge: Capsule Wardrobe Challenge WEEK TWO #BindiFashion #Moms30For30 And here are my outfits from this previous week… One thing that has been really helping me with putting these looks together is the... Read more

May 19, 2017

Every once in awhile I like to go through the offerings in books, audiobooks, videos, music, etc. to see what’s available for people exploring Hinduism or new Hindus. And to be honest, lots of these Hindu resources are great for those of us who have been doing this a while too! This time I decided to add resources for your general Hindu lifestyle, kid’s resources, and also recommendations for scriptures and holy books. So keep reading! For new, just-getting-started Hindu Resources... Read more

May 18, 2017

We are doing a scripture study together: reading along through some scriptures and discussing the passages. Here are all of the posts on the previous verses for the Gita: Bhagavad Gita Study From the Winthrop Sargeant translation of The Bhagavad Gita… 12. Desiring the success of ritual acts, Men sacrifice here on earth to the Vedic gods. Quickly indeed in th world of men Ritual acts bring success. 13. The system of four castes was created by Me, Accroding to the... Read more

May 15, 2017

Is there is more meaning in a faith that has been chosen, that has been fought for? Read more

May 13, 2017

It is week two. Things I’ve experienced so far in my #Moms30for30 capsule wardrobe challenge: It requires doing way too much laundry One of my pants was too tight and last night it tore across the bottom, so I’m going to have to swap in something else Despite the variety of styling, there’s still a lot of sameness because of the colors and patterns Capsule Wardrobe Challenge WEEK ONE #BindiFashion #Moms30For30 Let me know in the comments which of these... Read more

May 12, 2017

Is materialism a bad thing? I’ve been thinking about that this month as I participate in the #Moms30for30 capsule wardrobe challenge and as I buy, use, and sell Jamberry nail wraps. There was definitely a time in my life when I would have said that materialism is evil and to be avoided at all costs. That was when I was a lot more rigid in my thoughts and behavior. I’ve mellowed out a lot in my thirties. Now I have... Read more

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