September 12, 2020

A friend recently told me about her nephew’s much-delayed wedding. First, it was going to be in April 2020. Then when the pandemic shut everything down and their scattered family couldn’t safely gather, they postponed it to June. Then August. And now, my friend just reported, the couple has booked a date in November. But there’s one little difference—which is actually huge. They’ve decided that will be the day no matter what. Even if some of their dearest family members... Read more

September 3, 2020

Have you been wondering how marriages have been holding up during this weird time when we have been locked down? Me, too! I’ve heard many people throw out the comment that “marriages are crumbling under the pressure.” And an article out of the UK was trending recently, exclaiming that the divorce rates in the United States  “soar by 34 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic.” That negative perception has made the rounds. And yet from what we can tell so far,... Read more

August 27, 2020

Hey friends! Guess what I get to do on Friday? I get to go to iDisciple Publishing and celebrate my friend on a Facebook Live! As you already know, iDisciple Publishing has put out several of what we affectionately call “The Find Series”. Find Rest, Find Peace, Find Balance . . . and my next devotional will be out this fall—just in time for the holidays. But more on that later! iDisciple Publishing is also now the new home to... Read more

August 26, 2020

As we venture through this time of uncertainty, I hope this series has been helpful. In Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, we looked at the intense emotions that our man may not show if he’s lost his job, but that are very real, and what to do as we start the journey. In this Part 4, we will wrap up the series with what we as women can do to help us move forward, thriving as a couple,... Read more

August 19, 2020

In Part 1 we shared the surprising (shocking!) emotional factor at work inside most men that every wife needs to know—especially when he is facing a job loss (or worried about one). In Part 2, we shared several crucial actions to take at the outset of this new journey. In this Part 3 we’ll talk about what to do as the journey continues on. And maybe on and on and on . . . . And in Part 4 we’ll... Read more

August 6, 2020

We are facing the greatest time of economic uncertainty in almost 100 years. Our world has experienced many layoffs, and it is entirely possible that many more are coming.  Although everyone is negatively impacted by a job loss, many women don’t recognize a crucial truth about how it hits men in particular. And yet we need to. Last time in Part 1, we introduced Tip #1 on how to respond and explained a shocking truth running under the surface that... Read more

July 28, 2020

As she finished preparing her lunch, Maya heard the kitchen door open. That has to be Nate. What’s he doing home? She turned slowly.  His face was an unreadable mix of emotions. “Well, it finally happened. I was laid off.”  Of all the challenging situations a couple faces together, one of the most difficult is the loss of a job. As many people are learning today, a job loss presents a major shock, an uncertain future, and a range of... Read more

July 10, 2020

  It’s no secret that money can cause friction in marriage. In fact, many husbands and wives essentially manage finances separately, just to avoid that friction! And while doing that can be tempting (and I mean really tempting!), our Thriving in Love & Money research shows that handling money independently breaks the very trust that binds us together as husband and wife. (For more on this, see part 1 and part 2 of this blog series about “unity busters,” the pesky... Read more

July 2, 2020

Happy Independence Day week!  Independence works well for nations in many ways, but can cause issues in marriage. And we’ve sadly seen in our own nation how easy it is for the United States of America to splinter when the parties within it become their own independent factions instead of fighting for that unity. So as you celebrate our country’s independence, wouldn’t it be great to celebrate and work for your unity as a couple? As husbands and wives, we... Read more

July 1, 2020

In a few days, Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July. With fireworks, flags, and a whole lot of barbecue, we will cheerfully commemorate our country’s heritage– our independence. What we may not realize is just how much this basic American value has shaped our relationships. Independence can be a valuable attribute in many contexts –but in marriage it can have a sneaky sting. And nowhere is this more pronounced than around that oh-so-prevalent issue of money. . In doing... Read more

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