December 8, 2010

“Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.” -G.K. Chesterton Earlier this week, Darwin asked for some bloggers to explain, from a woman’s perspective, what it means to be submissive to their husbands. I was not tagged in this invitation (mostly, I think, because writing about poop generally doesn’t earn one the title of “thoughtful”); nevertheless, it prompted such a great conversation between the Ogre and myself that I wanted to do a little post of my own on it.... Read more

December 7, 2010

Yesterday, for the first time ever, we celebrated a name-day. Being a convert, celebrations for feast days and name days are very foreign to me. I love the idea, though, and every time one rolls around I smack myself in the forehead for not having prepared in advance. Also being a convert, I never really know when these things are happening until I check facebook and my cradle Catholic friends are saying things like, “today we made Immaculate Heart cupcakes... Read more

December 4, 2010

It’s the first Saturday of the month, and Elizabeth Esther is once again hosting The Saturday Evening Blog Post. If you want to join the fun, go to her place and paste a link to your chosen post for the month of November (just the post, not your homepage) in her linky widget. Then go back to your blog and make a new post (like this one), explaining the game and providing a link to Elizabeth’s page. See? It’s fun.... Read more

December 4, 2010

I stole this from Melanie, who stole it from The Sojourner. The copy-past action is why the font is all wonky; sorry about that. I can’t figure out how to fix it, and since my children are beginning to scream from the other room I don’t want to waste any more time trying.  If you haven’t been to visit The Wine-Dark Sea, you should. Melanie is wonderful, so insightful. Her blog is peaceful and visiting it is comforting to me,... Read more

December 3, 2010

Oy. Last night, something terrible happened: two of my children refused to sleep. All night long. And in a novel turn of events, instead of punching the Ogre in the arm until he got up and dealt with said offspring, I got up myself. The baby was sleeping peacefully, the Ogre was sleeping peacefully, and I uncharacteristically decided that perhaps I should forego the siren song of REM sleep to let my poor husband get some rest. Oh. My. Gosh.... Read more

December 2, 2010

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Annunciation lately, so I’ve decided to dust off an old poem I wrote when Charlotte was a baby. I hope you enjoy it, and I would welcome any criticisms! Really, I’d love to improve it, so any concrete suggestions will be very appreciated. (But please don’t write “this is horrible” in the comment box. If it is horrible, at least tell me why.) After the Annunciation She must have thought something  then, alone... Read more

December 1, 2010

Last week, Simcha wrote a post about grace coming in increments. The post was written in order to more clearly elucidate the intention behind the Pope’s comments on condoms that made otherwise intelligent people act like blibbering morons, but she started it with an illustration about her own struggles with weight loss. That’s the part that stuck with me. (Quick disclaimer: it isn’t that I didn’t find her explanation of the Pope’s comments interesting, it’s just that this whole overblown... Read more

November 26, 2010

I imagine that our Thanksgiving was pretty similar to the countless Thanksgivings around our country yesterday; I frantically cooked, forgot to make pumpkin pie, turned out thin but yummy gravy and spectacular rolls while the rest of the adults argued about the new TSA regulations and and swapped catch-up stories from the last four months. Children darted in and out of our legs, snatching bacon and M&M;’s off the counter, throwing toys at each other and generally racheting up the... Read more

November 23, 2010

I can’t put off the Thanksgiving hysteria any longer, so this morning I’m dragging myself and my resistant children to the grocery store. I probably won’t be back on to blog until after the holiday, but I didn’t want to leave you for all that time without something interesting to read, so I’ve decided to put up an essay I wrote for a creative nonfiction class a few years back. A word of caution: this thing is long. About thirteen... Read more

November 22, 2010

Kassie over at Secret Vatican Spy wrote yesterday about her Rite of Acceptance experience and the pain and joy that went along with it. I could so clearly understand her pain, that sharp and sudden realization that she was turning away from the faith of her childhood and entering into something new. I knew what was coming was good and beautiful and right. But that moment of farewell was painful. She says it with such profound simplicity that I’m almost... Read more

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