On Second Thought: Episode 5, Ms. Palin Goes to Washington

On Second Thought: Episode 5, Ms. Palin Goes to Washington July 5, 2012

This was the scene before Mom came out to speak at CPAC.
This was the scene before Mom came out to speak at CPAC.

Trust me, it’s crazy to see your life on television. That’s why every week, I’m going to do a blog posts called “On Second Thought.” These posts are where I will go over the episodes of my Lifetime show as I process the issues presented now that I’ve seen them aired.  I hope you’ll join me for these weekly posts – which will undoubtedly be part-confession, part-explanation, and part-celebration of my life right now!

Episode Five, Air Date: July 3, 2012

Washington, DC is not my type of place. I don’t love being up to my neck in politics, and it’s hard not to be in the nation’s capital.  However, it was worth flying down to do a book signing and to see Mom speak.

As many of you know, “Not Afraid of Life” came out last year.  (It hit the New York Times best sellers list!!) That meant, I spent much time at book stores around the country signing copies of my books and meeting fans.  I met people who voted for my mom in 2008, who voted for me on Dancing with the Stars, and who generally loved all things Palin.  I don’t thank you guys enough, but I do appreciate all of you who’ve stuck by me throughout all the drama.  You’re the best, and I loved meeting some of you face to face.

The booksigning in Washington was a little more nerve wracking than normal.  As soon as we got into DC, we saw Occupy Wall Street had set up protests outside our hotel.  They were screaming, yelling, and trying to get inside to disrupt the events.  Since the book signing was pretty close to the hotel, would they follow us? Thankfully, we had a wonderful – and gigantic! – security guard and no one caused trouble.  Once again, I was happy to meet so many fans in person.

I’d never attended the American Conservative Union’s CPAC, but it apparently is the most energetic conference of the year.  There were thousands of people there, yelling for their candidates.  This was before the Republicans had selected a nominee, so groups of supporters could be seen at the conference shouting each other down.  “Santorum!” one group would shout, only to be shouted down by another group shouting, “Romney!”  It was really crazy.

Of course, Mom wasn’t running for anything, but excitement seems to follow her. After our book signing, we went back to the hotel and got ready for Mom’s speech.  As you may have noticed during her 2008 Vice Presidential run, she loves to interact with people.  She shakes hands, hugs babies, and talks to everyone.  Willow and I don’t necessarily love this about her, especially when Occupy Wall Street was looming in everyone’s minds.  Would they get inside?  Would the police be able to keep them out?

As we settled into our seats, the room was completely packed, with lines of people snaking around the hallways as they waited to get in.  All of the other candidates had given speeches before Mom, but no one can captivate an audience quite like she can.  It’s hard to tell from the footage that Lifetime captured just how loud the room was.  They must’ve only had a microphone on Mom, but the audience was absolutely deafening as they clapped and yelled for her.  She had more standing ovations than I could count!

Then, an activist for Occupy Wall Street interrupted her speech.  I couldn’t tell what the protester screamed, but I could tell he was not yelling “Amen!” When the activist interrupted her, everyone went crazy, shouting “USA! USA!” They weren’t about to let him be able to steal the spotlight.

Mom handled it with her usual charm, and I was so proud of her.  She really has an amazing gift.  I might not have recognized it as she was nagging me to keep my dirty clothes off the floor of my room when I was a kid, but in a room the size of that auditorium?  It’s undeniable.  She can energize an audience like no one else.

Mainly, of course, she’s just mom to me.

When we got back to the room, Willow and I surprised her with a cake.  We knew we’d celebrate later with our family, but we wanted her to know that we remembered her birthday.  Our time with Mom in the hotel room provided some of the most memorable lines of the show so far:

Willow: I’d never want to live in DC.

Mom: Why?

Willow: Liberals!

And then, when Mom told her that she needed to “give hairdressers a good name,” she said, “I got into one of the top beauty schools!”

I love this episode, because it showed us for really what we are.  A typical American family, which finds itself in the most unique circumstances imaginable.

That’s why it’s always exciting to be a Palin!

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